[Opinions] Elissa
I was looking through the database and found Elissa as another name for Dido, the legendary queen of Carthage. I thought it was pretty, and I added it to my PNL.What do you think of Elissa? Know any good MNs for it?
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I like it. It is so similar to Alyssa but Alyssa feels bland & ordinary to me. Elissa feels pretty & romantic. My first thoughts were flower names as a middle, like Elissa Violet or Elissa Rose. A classic name would work well too, like Elissa Lillian, Elissa Charlotte, Elissa Katherine or Elissa Caroline.
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Beautiful!Have never tried pairing her, but will give it a shot:Elissa Beatrice
Elissa Constance
Elissa Delyth
Elissa Tanith
Elissa Diane
Elissa Dorothy
Elissa Fleur
Elissa Gwen
Elissa Maeve
Elissa Matilde - I like this best, I think
Elissa Verity
Elissa Violet
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I thought Elissa was simply an alternative spelling for Alyssa, but maybe I'm wrong. I guess it's ok. I think it sounds pretty, but not memorable.
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It looks like it could be/become one of those "alternative" names to the popular names Alyssa or Melissa. Like when parents really like the name Emma, but don't want their child to have a name that popular, so they settle for something similar like Emeline.I think it's nice for someone else but I'm not that big a fan; I'm the same with most names ending in -issa/-yssa. I would prefer something like Eliza or Elise.
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