[Opinions] Alida
I've been obsessed with the name Alida lately. I think it sounds pretty.What are your thoughts on Alida?
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It's a cool name. It's uncommon, but not too out there. I once met an Aleida (a-LAY-da), which is a name that I also like. AH-lie-da is pretty as well.
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It feels old to me. The two Alidas I know are in their 60s and 70s. But I think it has what it takes to be cool now too. And there are the nn potentials of Ali and Lida. I could get behind this one.
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Funny, I was just thinking of this name the other day. It's not one you hear often and yes, I think it's quite pretty. The reason I was thinking of it was because I went to school with triplets ( two girls and one boy) and one of them was called Alida. I was desperately trying to think of the two other triplets names. I can't remember though :(
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oops- should be under OPI like it quite a bit. It can be playful or serious and those are not two things you can always find together in a name.
I think you should go for it!

This message was edited 4/16/2011, 1:56 PM

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I like it better knowing it's pronounced "ah-LEE-dah"; I first pronounced it "ah-LID-uh". I do sort of like it but wouldn't use it myself.It could also be shortened to Ali.:)
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My partner in crime is named Alida! :) I like it.
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My cousin-in-law has a daughter named Alida.Alida Katherine. I love the name - it's beautiful and unexpected. It's got a trendy sound but at least it has a solid history to back it up. Go for it.
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Alida is nice but I prefer Aleta :) which, according to some sources, means "footloose" - which I think is pretty awesome
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It's not really my style but it's a pretty name. It feels really classic to me, and it's unique!
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Did you ever see "The Third Man?" If you're into film noir it's a must see -- great theme music. The lead female role is an actress by the name of Alida Valli. (Orson Wells and Joseph Cotton round out the leads.) Alida's name always fascinated me. It takes on the mood of the film for me -- mysterious, dangerous, European, post WWII Vienna. I love the look and the sound of Alida. Plus, it has that "Third Man" association for me. What's not to love?

This message was edited 4/15/2011, 3:37 PM

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