[Opinions] Giselle vs. Gisela
I like both. I slightly prefer the sound of Giselle (ji-ZEL) and it would be more recognizable in the United States. However, I love the reflection of my German heritage that Gisela (GEES-eh-lah) would offer and it's more unusual. Gisella is ok, but it doesn't sound quite right to me, like Giselle is trying to hard to be Gisela. Opinions / preference?
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I don't really like any of this two names, but if I had to choose I would pick Giselle.

This message was edited 5/12/2011, 2:14 AM

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Much prefer Giselle to Gisella. I think it has a nicer feel to it and the sound is also more pleasing to me.
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I love love love Gisela !! I don't care for the jizz sound of Giselle as much making more of a mn pick for me.
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I like both, but I prefer Gisela at the moment. Giselle sometimes reminds me of Gazelle, silly I know. :)
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Giselle all the way!
It's just so swift and beautiful, and it sounds like gazelle, which is a good thing.
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I definitely think I like Giselle better=) I love that it reminds me of Enchanted the movie=)
And Giselle Bunchen (sp?) Gorgeous!
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