[Opinions] Hester and Bridget
I'm madly in love with Hester right now and Bridget has been growing on me quite a bit those past few months.So, now I need some combos ;-)Can you help me to... um... flapperize them? Turn them into flappers?
You know, with a little touch of glamour maybe?
By the way, what do you think of Hester and Bridget? Retro-chic? Just retro? Will they ever make a comeback?
Thanks in advance!
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I love Hester! And Bridget but not as much as Hester.Hester Susan
Hester Theodosia
Hester Romilly
Hester Lilwen
Hester Willow
Hester Minka
Hester Primrose
Bridget Elaine
Bridget Amandine
Bridget Tamsin
Bridget Odessa
Bridget WinnipegHTH
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Bridget Winnipeg is too cute. Winnie + Peg = why didn't I think of that before? A three for one name. :-)
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Whoa, you guys are awesome!So many wonderful combos! Thanks a lot!
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I like Bridget, but not really Hester. I much prefer Esther, I think it is more feminine and classy (i don't know why, since they're so similar, but it's just how I feel!)
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Oh, I love Esther, too.
But right now... Hester owns my heart.
Nonetheless, Esther is a wonderful name.
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Love Hester and Bridget! I have a daughter named Bridget so of course I like it.Hester MelusineHester SoubretteHester RenataBridget EmerenceBridget Sophron soh-FROHNBridget EugenieBridget Sebastiana
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Awww, a little Bridget! :-)I really like Bridget Eugenie and Bridget Emerence.Soubrette is interesting. Do you have any information on it?
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Oh, Bridget Adelle is great! And so are Bridget Lucille, Bridget Cecile and I think I also like Bridget Lucienne and Bridget Suzanne (I'll really have to think about those two).Thank you!
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Oh, Hester Marilyn and Bridget Jessamine are cool!I also like Hester Constance, Bridget Opaline (are they flappers? I'm not sure, but they are pretty!), Hester Vivienne, Hester Briallen, Bridget Olivine.Thank you!
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I don't think of Bridget as retro, I know or have known several Bridgets around who would be age 19-25 about now. I definitely think it could grow in popularity some day, it's a Br- name which is fairly popular of late, but it's different from the frillier and trendier ones around now. Hester I'm not sure about. I like it alot, but I think since Esther seems to be slowly gaining in popularity and Hester can't be too far behind her.Bridget Peronel is my favorite Bridget combo so I have to suggest it.OthersBridget Eleanor
Bridget Josephine
Bridget Lorraine
Bridget Theresa
Bridget Kathleen
Bridget Genevieve
Bridget Roberta
Bridget Marcella
Bridget Estelle
Bridget Eloise
Bridget Yvonne
Bridget Yolanda
Bridget HelenaHester Virginia
Hester Alice
Hester Marjorie
Hester Dolores
Hester Phyllis

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Wow, Bridget Peronel is stunning! I'm not sure I get a flapper vibe of it, but I'm totally going to steal it. If you don't mind ;-)Bridget Estelle and Bridget Yvonne on the other hand - flappers. For sure. ;-)I also like Bridget Eleanor, Bridget Kathleen, Hester Virginia and Hester Rosemary (I'm not sure if they are flappers - but sooo beautiful!), Hester Imogene (yay! I thought I was the only one who likes this variant of Imogen), Hester Opal, Hester Leona, Hester Lenora and Hester Maxine.Thanks! :-)
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Bridget Estelle and Hester Naomi never leave the dance floor, I bet. :)
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Ha! I never thought of Lulu, but Bridget Lulu... for some reason this really works for me.I also like Bridget Margot, Hester Lucy, Hester Vivienne, Hester Fay and Hester Claudia.
Thank you :-)
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I can definitely see Hester Sophie, Bridget Lulu, Bridget Margot and Bridget Irene as flappers. :)
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!!!I thought I was the only Hester lover. This is welcome news indeed. I love Hester's energetic side. She's like a zippier Hazel. And Bridget is fresh and breezy. Love her too.Hester Julie is my stock combo. They are two minor characters in "The Forsyte Saga," two sisters. I did a thread on this a few weeks back and everyone was giving me the best combos for Hester. Shoot. I don't know how to pull it up. Maybe someone else can help me out. For now:Hester Minerva
Hester Sibyl
Hester Pearl (intended)
Hester Bryony
Hester Carys
Hester Lena
Hester Amabel
Hester Isobel
Hester Glynis
Hester Gwyneth
Hester Freya
Hester Lily
Hester Theda
Hester Bridget Imelda
Bridget Clare
Bridget Honora
Bridget Carlotta
Bridget Carmela

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This message was edited 5/25/2011, 3:03 PM

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Ha! Bear, I had a feeling I could count on you! ;-)
You are definitely not the only Hester lover - I'm totally smitten with her, I really am. I like Hazel, too, but Hester - my heart belongs to Hester. For her sassy attitude and her energy ;-)And what a great list!I love Hester Sibly, Hester Bryony, Hester Isobel (this is so dramatic), Hester Glynis (awesome!), Hester Freya, Hester Theda.I agree with you, Bridget is pretty resistant, isn't she. Very hard to flapper-ize.
Nonetheless, Bridget Nell is just great! And so are Bridget Talulla (the first time I can see this name's charms, by the way), Bridget Clare and Bridget Lucy.
By the way, what do you think of Gertrude?
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GertrudeFunny. I was just thinking about Gertrude last night. On the drive home, my dh mentioned his Aunt Gertrude. I said how cute the name was and how I couldn't decide if Gertie, Trudy, Tru / True or Ru / Rue made a better nn. I met a 10 year old Gertie (Gertrude) once. Too cute.When said in the original German, Gertrude is so beautiful. With an English / American accent it's still nice, but more quirky than beautiful.I'm so glad you liked a combo or two. And I'm tickled that you did this thread. :-)

This message was edited 5/26/2011, 12:13 PM

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"She's like a zippier Hazel."I agree completely! Hazel is nice but heavy... maybe as it gets more popular, people will turn to Hester?
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GlynisI should have thought of Glynis. She does indeed add glamor to Hester. Come to think of it, I should have put her over there with Beauregard in the "I'm the only one" thread. :)
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Heres is the link to that Hester threadhttp://www.behindthename.com/bb/baby/4028573 Totally love Bridget Nell!

This message was edited 5/27/2011, 11:48 AM

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That's it. Thanks!
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WowI have absolutely no memory of that at all. No wonder I couldn't remember ever thinking anything about it. It's not that I never have, I literally just don't remember!

This message was edited 5/25/2011, 3:04 PM

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I don't have much better combo suggestions than the others, but I can definitely see Hester and Bridget as flapper names-- they're pretty neat! They could definitely make a retro-chic comeback. I don't see them becoming wildly popular, but they could definitely be used more. Lots of drama, but not too frilly... I think they're interesting.
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Yay, another Hester and Bridget fan! :-)"Lots of drama, but not too frilly..." - that's how I see them, too.
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Whoa, so many good ones!Again, I have to agree with everyone else: Hester Muriel is a winner! Love her!
But I also love Hester Florence, Hester Leona, Hester Vivian and Bridget Leona, Bridget Maxine, Bridget Syliva.
And I think I like Bridget Viola, but... as embarrassing as it might be, I'm never really sure how to pronounce her in English (blushing).Great list, thank you!
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Oh, so glad you like them. I had fun hunting for them! My pronunciation of Viola is "VIE-uh-luh" where I luxuriate in the first syllable and the middle syllable is just barely there. I think this may be a British, or maybe even Shakespearean, pronunciation but I can't say for certain. Back in the 20s, it may have been "vie-OH-luh" or "vee-OH-luh" that was popular. :)
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Hester Muriel is astonishingly beautiful. You are good at this!
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Hester Muriel was the standout in that nifty list for me too. :-)
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Blushing......thanks. But these weren't off the top of my head or anything...I just went to the popular names for the 1920s and did my best to pick and pair. Wanted to get Myrtle in there but the flow just doesn't work. As soon as I saw Muriel, I saw a bright star shining above the sea...then jumped straight to "Peter Pan"...because that's only logical... ;)
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Oh, Hester is a good name to flapper-ize. It's never appealed to me, but the thought of a flapper Hester is pretty nifty.Hester Ava
Hester Ella
Hester Francine
Hester Wilhelmina
Hester Marion
Hester Marguerite
Hester Goldie - I like this
That's kind of hard. I guess I'm not good at glamorous names. I'll be interested to see what other people come up with and maybe get a list going. :)The thought of flapper-izing Bridget is pretty interesting. I like my domesitc, nun-y feeling of it. She would be scolding the flappers. Making her one feels kind of naughty. :PBridget Jessie - ooh, I like this!
Bridget Mamie
I kind of like it with an old fashioned nn as a mn... keeps it still feeling kind of sweet.
Bridget Mildred
Bridget Gladys
Bridget Pearl
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"[Bridget] would be scolding the flappers. Making her one feels kind of naughty. :P"LOL! I literally laughed out loud when I read this ;-)I used to get a domestic, well-behaved, good-girl feeling of Bridget - and then along came Bridget Jones and her diary. (And I'm blushing right now ;-) )
I agree with Chloe and Tiggs - Hester Goldie is the bee's knees!
I also really like Hester Francine and Bridget Gladys. (Oh, yes, Gladys, another name no-one seems to like...)
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GladysStop right there, Missy. Gladys "Midnight Train to Georgia" Knight need apologize to no one. No one! Don't you dare say anything about my beloved Gladys. Why don't you and I just go to some island somewhere and name things? All by ourselves. The Hester tree by the Gladys spring. Shshshs. Don't tell anyone. Gladys has "glad" right in the name. How can anyone not love it? I'm always torn between Gladys and Glynis. They are both so happy and innocent sounding.
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YEAH! Let's do that! Start packing, Bear!
You and me - and maybe those parents who named their daughter Gladys Chloe. Did I tell you that I saw a BA for a tiny little Gladys Chloe last year?
What do we think about Beryl?
(I love it, I seriously do)
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Gladys Chloe?!brb died and gone to heaven
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You're just toying with me now. I know you. Gladys Chloe indeed. I would have *felt* it if one were born on the planet somewhere. Unless there were sunspots.Beryl? Beryl? Next you'll be telling me you like Zelda. Pfphphfft. No. One. On. The. Earth. Loves. All. These. Names. But. Me. Get it? It's my one pathetic claim to individualism. (Leda.) Hey, now! (Enid.) Stop it!
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I can PROVE it! Look, I even did a thread on it: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/baby/3881527(There were some very interesting names in there. How about Leopold Nimrod Hubertus for example?)Hihihihi, I adore Leda and Leta. My stock combo is Leta Regine.
And Enid? She has been on my list for ages now.
Beryl... you'll have to share her with me and a very dear friend of mine. She was the one who turned me into a Beryl lover in the first place. :-)
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I'm glad you like some. :)I've never seen(/read?) Bridget Jones's Diary, so don't have that problem. But I could picture a Bridget like that in a more modern context.I don't know if I like Gladys, but if I think of gladiolus flowers then it's very springy and nice and bright yellow. That helps it out!
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wrong place

This message was edited 5/25/2011, 7:06 PM

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I definitely get the nun-Bridget association too. Bridget is very simple and bookish and not wild at all.Hester Goldie is the bee's knees ;)
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Ditto Hester Goldie's "bee's knees". :)
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Hester is totally retro-chic, though a little more Puritan than say, Esther, which definitely has flapper vibe for me. Bridget is actually very modern for me. I know it's not modern at all, but I think of it as being really common anyhere from the 1970's and up. Like if I met a little Bridget today, I wouldn't blink an eye. Brigitte is a bit more glam, more golden-age movie star.I'd pair them up like this to jazz em up:Hester Stella
Bridget Ruby
Hester Claudette
Bridget Zelda
Hester Daisy
Bridget Roxie
Hester Billie
Bridget Alma
Hester Blanche
Bridget Mae
Hester Minnie
Bridget Rosa
Hester Maxine
Bridget Hattie
Hester Liza
Bridget Lottie
Hester Lola
Bridget WinifredSorry for all the nicknames, but for me the 20's were all about snappy, short, informal names.

This message was edited 5/25/2011, 2:34 PM

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I just looked up the popularity stats for Bridget... she was really big in the 1970s, wasn't she? But I can't help, whenever I hear that name, I get an early 20th century vibe from it. Maybe it's just because I'm totally fascinated with the Roaring Twenties and I really like the name, so my brain somehow draws a connection where there is none. Silly, I know... but... yeah. ;-)Anyway, I think Hester Billie is brilliant! Billie isn't exactly a name I'd usually give a second thought, but paired with Hester... it really works for me.
Awww, Bridget Mae is really cute! As is Bridget Lottie. And Bridget Hattie.
Hester Blanche! Hester Claudette! Love those two.Thank you!
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Okay, I'm totally getting Hester Claudette in a flapper sense. Honestly, I would probably never say I like either name, but this combination just works. Also like Bridget Winifred. :)
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I like Hester Ruby.
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I love Hester! Though I've yet to meet anyone in real life who doesn't think it sounds frumpy and I've seen it on several lists of "names that will never come back". Anyway, I think they're wrong and Hester has potential. When it comes to Bridget, I prefer variations: Brigitte/Brigitta, Birgit/Birgitta, Brigid, and Bridie. Bridie and Birgit are probably my favorites. I can't think of any good combo possibilities off the top of my head, though my inclination with Hester is to pair it with a flower. All I've come up with so far is:Hester Violet, Hester Sigalit, Hester Azalea, Hester Zinnia, etc...

This message was edited 5/25/2011, 2:28 PM

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People say Hester will never come back? :/
Oh, never mind, I still love my little flapper ;-)Sigalit is pretty cool, I had never heard of this name before.
While I'm usually not the biggest fan of Violet, I really like it paired with Hester. Yes, Hester Violet... lovely.
And Hester Zinnia is really cool.Thank you!
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I think Hester Zinnia could dance up a storm...I can see beads and feathers flying. :)
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