[Opinions] Willow
I need help narrowing down some of my Willow combos.
Which ones do you like best?Willow Amy
Willow Delphine
Willow Ebba
Willow Elinor
Willow Ellen
Willow Elvira
Willow Embla
Willow Ester
Willow Georgine
Willow Heidi
Willow Helma
Willow Hortense
Willow Iben (EE-ben)
Willow Ida
Willow Idun (EE-doon)
Willow Josefine
Willow June
Willow Leontine
Willow Lisbeth
Willow Lovisa
Willow Mette
Willow My (MEE)-- Sort of, the pronunciation of that in Swedish is hard to explain.
Willow Tilde
Willow Una
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Willow Amy, Willow Ester and Willow Heidi would be my top 3.
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Willow Ebba! :) I'm glad to see someone else that likes the name Ebba :)I also like:Willow Elinor
Willow Heidi
Willow Iben (I like the spelling Eben better though)
Willow June
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You have some darling combinations here. By all means keep:Willow Amy
Willow Delphine
Willow Elinor
Willow Georgine
Willow Hortense
Willow Josefine
Willow My (How about Willow Mai / Maia?)I hated to pass up Elvira because I know you will not be pronouncing it the awkward American way. I see it so rarely and love it so much. But it's too strong for Willow and I tried to stay away from names with too many prominent "L" sounds.

This message was edited 6/13/2011, 10:51 AM

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Willow Ellen, Willow Lisbeth, Willow Georgine are my top 3 from your list.
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I am not a great fan of Willow but some of these make me like it. My favourites:
Willow Delphine
Willow Elinor - green and delicate. Elinor is my favourite spelling, too.
Willow Embla - love this one. Very arboreal
Willow Hortense - I like Willow with refined Hortense.
Willow Ida - but I have the urge to swap it around. Ida Willow?
Willow Idun - BEAUTIFUL! This is my favourite
Willow Josefine - the repetition of the "oh" sound trips me up a little, though.
Willow June - such a warm combo. June is perfectly understated.
Willow Leontine
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Willow Heidi, Willow Ester, and Willow Elinor are wonderful. :-)
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I love Willow !combos i like / love *Willow Ester, spelt Esther
Willow Georgine, prefer Willow Georgina though
Willow Heidi
Willow Iben *
Willow Josefine *
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