[Opinions] Coraline
What do you think of Coraline?
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You know, I don't mind it. I think it's been growing on me lately. I met a Cora almost a year ago and she is just wonderful. And I've always thought Emmaline was neat. Best of both worlds, perhaps?
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I like it a lot! I'd love to see it used more IRL. I like Cora-leen and Cora-line, but my first instinct is to say Cora-line.
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I like it. My favorite pronunciation is KOR-uh-leen. Unfortnately, a lot of people would pronounce it KOR-uh-line.
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I love it!!!! I also like Coralie (but I still prefer Coraline), but I don't like Cora and Caroline.
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How would you pronounce it?cora-a-leen (like the book) or cora-a-line?I love it but unfortunately most Americans would pronounce it cora-a-line and therefore I wouldn't use it.
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I thought they pronounced it Cora-LINE in the book?I've never read it, but when the movie based on the book came out a few years ago, that's how the characters pronounced it...I think. :/

This message was edited 6/21/2011, 9:14 AM

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My husband heard Neil Gaiman read the book.Gaiaman pronounced it cora-a-leen in it. I'm not sure about the movie at all - we never saw it - but I'm certain of the pronunciation. We're big-time Gaiman fans.
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http://www.imdb.com/video/imdb/vi513934105/Maybe it's pronounced differently in the UK? Neil Gaiman is British, so it's possible.Anyway, I've only heard Cora-LINE. *shrugs*

This message was edited 6/21/2011, 4:10 PM

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Clementine is pronounced with a teen in the UKSo I'm fairly certain it's a US / UK thing. Either way we'd never use it just because of the pronunication difference. (Ditto for Katarina - there is little hope I'd get the German pronunication on a regular basis.)
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cora-a-linecora-a-lineWhere I volunteer there's a child with that name.
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I loved the movie, and would love the name even more on a little girl :D
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I like the sound but I think of the film. I prefer Coralie which is a bit sweeter and isn't associated with the film so much.
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I love it. It's one of my favorite girl names.
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Not a lot. Looks like a dyslexic attempt at the beautiful Caroline, or an adjective.But, I like Coralie a lot, and Coral and Carol not at all. Cleaarly, Coraline has confusing neighbours!
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I prefer just plain Cora. It's more sophisticated & reserved, but equally pretty.
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i really like it. i pronounce it COR-uh-leye-n not cor-uh-LEEN, although that's nice enough, too. i think cora is a cute nickname, as well. it's a nice change from caroline, carolyn, and carol.
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Coraline is nice, but I much prefer just Cora or Coralie.
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