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[Opinions] Bellatrix
On a scale of 1-10 (1 being completely unusable and 10 being completely usable) how usable/unusable is this name, in your opinion?
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1here's my chain of thought:Bellatrix
Bella means beautiful
Trix= cereal in best case sceneario making her name "beautiful cereal"
Trix= worst case reminds me of a trick or a hooker making it "beautiful hooker"??Yeah, I may be crazy, sorry for that!! hahaha!!!
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3If only HP hadn't gone and popularized so many cool names
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7It's kind of a statement, a little eccentric maybe, but it's not unusable at all. It's not more of a statement than, say, Lyric or Esmeralda. Especially considering she can be called Bella or Trixie or whatever. It's an astronomy name with a classical origin, and sounds namey enough. I think its weirdness is only superficial and comes from the word dominatrix and from HP.
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Everything's usable! - but I wouldn't use it myself. I like the meaning and the astrological connection, but I don't like Bella and I'm not very fond of -trix names. And there are no other bearers to offset Mad Mrs. Lestrange.
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3. I know it's an HP character, but it also sounds like the name of a dominatrix, or something.
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I would give a seven or eight for usability. I agree that the Harry Potter character isn't the best namesake, but in reality, compared to what some parents use nowadays, that's nothing. If it were me, I would choose any literary connection over the terribly trendy and horribly spelled Madysynn or Skyylynn.Yes, I actually do know someone who has used the latter...EDIT: I forgot to mention that it is a constellation is addition to being a literary character. =)

This message was edited 6/27/2011, 8:08 AM

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Actually, Bellatrix is a star. Orion is the constellation.Most members of the Black family in HP were named after stars, constellations, or other astronomical things.
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Whoops! Lol.
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9 - completely usable. I didn't give it a 10 only because it is a unique usable name. Because it is unique, you would probably get a few second glances, but that can be said for many unique names. I like it.
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I'd rate it 4 for usability, but 9 as a name.
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5I don't really think it's useable, because of Harry Potter. Harry Potter is such a big thing at the moment and Bellatrix was a really horrible character, so it's not like using Hermione who was at least a nice character.On the other hand, if you used a nickname like Bella which is common and not associated with HP it might make it more usable.
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Right now? A 5 or 6. If the person carries it well and kind of makes it their own name too, other than the character, then they're lucky to have the name. In 10 years? Probably a 7, given the fact that Harry Potter won't be so prevalent probably, or at least bellatrix's character won't be. And also assuming names like Bella will be still trendy, this name would be go-to sounding for her generation.
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About a 5. I don't think it's to out there, but unfortunately right now it has the strong connection to the Harry Potter character (who isn't such a good namesake).
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I'd give it a one, or perhaps a .5. It's really too canine for human use.
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