[Opinions] Juliann
I am emailing with someone with the name Juliann at the moment for work. I have seen Julianne before for female and Julian for a guy. But never Juliann. Which gender do you think I am dealing with?
I would assume you are dealing with a female although this spelling isn't as attractive as Julianne, for sure.
I know a Juliann who pronounces her name like Julie Ann or Julianne. I'd say the Juliann you're emailing is most likely female.
A girl. I saw "Ann" right off the bat and pronounced it in my head like Julianne. I would think Julian only if it was some kind of username he decided to add extra letters to.
Definitely female. It's probably a smush of Julie or Julia and Ann.
I would guess girl and that it is a creative spelling of Julianne.
I would say girl..
I'd say it's a girl.
I think it's a girl, but only because there are both Ann and Anne, so it'd make sense to me to have Juliann and Julianne. Not entirely sure. Interesting dilemma.