[Opinions] Enna
What do you think of Enna as a girls' name? Pronounced ENN-uh. I have heard Ena before, but not Enna. I know it is listed as an Irish male name, but I can't see it on a male at all. What would you think if you met a little girl named Enna? I think it could be a nickname for Vivienne or Adrienne, or a name in its own right.

This message was edited 7/10/2011, 12:10 AM

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It's like Emma only less substantial. I could see it as a nickname for Cheyenne, haha. Or a mashup of Emma and Anna.I mean, it's not so awful that I'd feel negative about it if I met a little girl named it. But I wouldn't be really impressed. I might think: what on Earth was wrong with Anna?? Oh well, at least I can spell and pronounce it, and it seems memorable which is a plus.
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I think its cute, stronger and more distinctive than Emma, but still familiar sounding. Enna seems like it can stand on its own, but I'd also like it as a nickname. It does remind me of Enya which I also find very attractive.
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If I met an Enna, I would wonder what her full name was. To me, it sounds like it was just chopped off the end of a longer name, so while I do think it would be a cute nickname for Vivienne, Adrienne, and the like, it's too insubstantial to stand on its own.
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I think it is a cute name for a girl, not a boy. I wouldn't use it because it is so close to Emma. It being similar to Emma wouldn't bother me if Emma wasn't so popular right now, but alas...
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I think it's pretty. A little reminiscent of the artist Enya, but that name's also pretty. The only other obvious similarity I've unearthed is Jenna, again, also very pretty. I suppose it's also close to Emma, and on quick introduction, people might assume that's what they've heard, and what you've named your baby.I know a 10-yr old boy named Ennis--his parents honeymooned in Ireland and spent time in the town of that name--and once I overcame my wish that they'd named him Dennis instead, it grew on me--though it's taken several years and liking the young man for this to happen.
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I think people would get confused and call her Emma, because Emma is so popular. I think it would work better as a nickname, because the Emma problem might not be so big. Vivienne is a lovely name!
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I like it.
It's simple and it works in a lot of languages and just like you, I have problems seeing it on a male. I would be delighted to meet a girl Enna, and I don't think it would even cross my mind that it was a nickname. I only like it as a full name.

This message was edited 7/10/2011, 1:33 AM

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