[Opinions] Willow
I used to hate the name Willow with a passion, but al of a sudden Willow is really growing on me. So what do you think of Willow? Strictly for a girl, or possibly usable on a boy?
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I love it. Willow was going to be my son's name if he was a girl and if I ever have another daughter that's what her name will be, hopefully.
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I love Willow. I think it's beautiful, elegant, and a rare mix of brainy and creative. It's as easy for me to picture a Willow in a lab coat as it is for me to picture her en pointe. Willow is all girl to me. Some nature names can go back and forth, but I see Willow as similar in feel to Violet or Daisy--very, very feminine.
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Not an elegant choice. In fact, I consider it a bit stupid. I don't think it sounds feminine. It seems more like a nickname.
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I'm going to be the odd one out and say I can see it on a boy, especially as a middle name. I definitely like the name, but there are many other names I like better. This one is growing in popularity, which kind of puts me off.
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I whip my hair back and forth!That's what enters my mind!
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LOLI, too, think of that unfortunate song, thanks to Willow Smith. However, I do think that Willow is a beautiful name; it makes me think of Ophelia from Hamlet. I would use it for only a girl, but nature names, to me, tend to have a unisex feel to them.
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It's started to grow on me too, but only for a girl.
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I've heard it used for males in stories, but I don't recommend it as a boys' name in real life. It's much better suited for a girl. I really like it as a girl's name. It has a softness to it, but it also has a bit of an edge.
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I like it, but I liked it better before it got trendy. What about Willa ?It sounds similar and has a cool literary association with Willa Cather.
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I still dislike this name strongly, unfortunately. It is trendy, but even if it wasn't I don't think I could like it. Just not my style. I can see it on a girl but not a grown woman. I definitely can't see it on a boy under any circumstances.
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