[Opinions] Ireland?
I have been loving Ireland on a girl lately. What do you think? Combos?
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Too silly to think about. No doubt some people will use it; but some people chew gum with their mouths open.
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It's no better or worse than a thousand other place names I've heard, so why not. I once met a woman named Irish. Her father named her and she should be about 50 now.
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I hate it. People in Ireland would find it tacky. And it makes me think of Alec Baldwin's daughter (who he called a "thoughtless little pig").
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Sorry, but I really dislike it. I'm not a huge fan of country/place names to begin with, and this just doesn't sound like a viable name at all. It's also weirdly popular in my area- I've met two over the past few years, which is a lot when it's a pretty uncommon name.
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Aside from being the name of a country, the first syllable, "Ire" means "intense anger, wrath."" As a woman, I wouldn't want that meaning as part of my fn.
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I strongly dislike this name. To me it's a country, not the name of a person.
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Also agree
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dittoI can deal with some country names but Ireland has -land right in the name. It sounds silly. I don't really understand how it came to be used as a name, to me it seems as strange as using England or Scotland as a name. I'm sorry to be so harsh though!
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I really like it. Ireland Rose is a GP of mine :)
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Hmm, not really that keen on it tbh
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I love Ireland, the country, but I don't think it makes a good name. It's certainly usable as a middle name but I would rather see it on a boy (first or middle name). I also think that you ought to have some kind of connection to a place if you want to use it as a name.
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I love Ireland on a girl I think it's brilliant. I can't however think of any combos
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