[Opinions] Primula
What are your thoughts on this untouched botanical name? I love its floral daintiness and its classical pedigree (it's the feminine diminutive of primus, which means "first," so Primula literally translates as "first little female").
Which of the following combinations do you like?
Primula Abigail
Primula Agnes
Primula Alice
Primula Audrey
Primula Beatrice
Primula Beatrix
Primula Blanche
Primula Blythe
Primula Catherine
Primula Cecile
Primula Constance
Primula Daphne
Primula Delphine
Primula Diane
Primula Doris
Primula Dorothy
Primula Edith
Primula Enid
Primula Esther
Primula Eve
Primula Frances
Primula Francine
Primula Harriet
Primula Hazel
Primula Helen
Primula Hester
Primula Inez
Primula Iris
Primula Jane
Primula Janet
Primula Janice
Primula Joan
Primula Josephine
Primula Mabel
Primula Margaret
Primula Margery
Primula Margot
Primula Marian
Primula Marianne
Primula Marion
Primula Marjorie
Primula Mary
Primula Maud
Primula Maude
Primula Maxine
Primula Mercy
Primula Nancy
Primula Odette
Primula Phoebe
Primula Rachel
Primula Rosemary
Primula Susan
Primula Sylvie
Primula Tess
Primula Therese
Primula Vashti
Primula Violet
Which of the following combinations do you like?
Primula Abigail
Primula Agnes
Primula Alice
Primula Audrey
Primula Beatrice
Primula Beatrix
Primula Blanche
Primula Blythe
Primula Catherine
Primula Cecile
Primula Constance
Primula Daphne
Primula Delphine
Primula Diane
Primula Doris
Primula Dorothy
Primula Edith
Primula Enid
Primula Esther
Primula Eve
Primula Frances
Primula Francine
Primula Harriet
Primula Hazel
Primula Helen
Primula Hester
Primula Inez
Primula Iris
Primula Jane
Primula Janet
Primula Janice
Primula Joan
Primula Josephine
Primula Mabel
Primula Margaret
Primula Margery
Primula Margot
Primula Marian
Primula Marianne
Primula Marion
Primula Marjorie
Primula Mary
Primula Maud
Primula Maude
Primula Maxine
Primula Mercy
Primula Nancy
Primula Odette
Primula Phoebe
Primula Rachel
Primula Rosemary
Primula Susan
Primula Sylvie
Primula Tess
Primula Therese
Primula Vashti
Primula Violet
Sorry but I just think of the cheese spread. It's only available in the UK, so it'd be OK if you didn't live there. But for me it would be like naming a child Cheez Whiz or something :P
How would you pronunce this ? Prim-oola Prim-U-la ?
I dislike it based on pronunciation and I dislike the U in it. It looks foreign which I guess in essence it is because its coming from latin but paired with the name combos you gave it just seems odd.
I also dislike Prim names as first names cause it sounds well prissy. Prim and proper or primping come to mind.
I dislike it based on pronunciation and I dislike the U in it. It looks foreign which I guess in essence it is because its coming from latin but paired with the name combos you gave it just seems odd.
I also dislike Prim names as first names cause it sounds well prissy. Prim and proper or primping come to mind.
It's pronounced "PRI-mew-la" / "PRIM-yoo-la."