[Opinions] Junia
How is Junia pronounced? I've seen Lucia bombon's posts about it and she prn it zhoo-niya, but is that just in Latin countries? I like that pronunciation alot. In Finland they pronounce Js as Ys, so it would be yoo-niya here which I don't mind. But I'm not sure about the joo-niya pn. It sounds a bit like junior. How would you pronounce it if you don't know for sure? Anyone know how it should be pronounced?Does it go with my other kids, or is it too different? I like that it's less trendy than Juno, like Calla compared to Callie. Combo-wise I'm thinking Junia Winter Maeve
Junia Iris Maevebut those are my go-to combos at the moment. What would you pair it with?Thanks.

This message was edited 9/8/2011, 11:37 AM

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It's pronounced JOO-nee-ə. I never thought about it before, but it does sound awfully like Junior.
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I would pronounce it joo-nee-uh. I don't like it that much, as it's too close to Junior. I prefer Juno (I don't really think Juno is that trendy...) and I think Juno goes better with your other kids names.
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I found this on a website from People magazine called Moms & Babes:"Junia is the name of an early Christian mentioned in the New Testament. It’s pronounced JOO-nee-ah in English."
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Shhh, we won't mention the Christian apostle thingie to DP and I might just get away with it. We'll just stick with the Juno connection. I think I'm happy with joo-nee-ah but might add a bit of zhh myself. Zhoo-nee-ah is just gorgeous.
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There's also the Lucius Junius Brutus (founder of Roman something or other) connection. Junius / Junia as a name has a long history before the biblical one. :-) It never hurts to have ammunition at the ready.
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Being (North) American, I say it like, "June + ia" (j sound). I love Junia any way she comes. She would be a wonderful addition to your little brood. Junia Winter Maeve is fantastic. I love how the time of year thing is subtly woven together, June + winter + May. The sound of Iris is a little off-putting to my ears right next to Junia.Hmmmm:Junia Carys Maeve
Junia Gwendolen Maeve
Junia Gwendolen Eirlys
Junia Eirlys Maeve (I think it's the long "i" of Iris so close to the smooth "oo" of Junia that bothers me)(Eirlys = snowdrop!)
Junia Willow Maeve
Junia Catherine Maeve (safe, but still pretty)
Junia Catherine Fleur
Junia Isibeal / Ishbel Fleur
Junia Isabeau Fleur
Junia Edme Siobhan
Junia Esme Clothilde
Junia Gwyneth Elodie
Junia Glynis Maureen

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This message was edited 8/30/2011, 11:49 AM

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Funny, I just went to BtN to ask you this very question. I was somehow thinking it would be like Yoon ya, or Yoo nya, and thus only 2 syllables. Which reminded me a bit of my friend's daughter who's named Yona. If it's pronounced in a similar way to Julia, only with an n, I'm a bit less enthusiastic. I do love Juna, though, or for that matter, June.

This message was edited 8/30/2011, 8:16 AM

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I basically pronounce it like Julia but with an N instead of an L: JOO-nee-ə. Given how J transforms in other languages, hearing it pronounced like an H, Y, or Zh wouldn't surprise me, but they aren't what I intuitively use myself. I like it a lot, but I do associate Junia primarily with Junia/Junius from Romans 16--she and the Hanson kid are actually my only Junia associations--so it has a different vibe for me than Aidan, Finn, and Calla. Both combos are pretty, but I prefer Junia Iris Maeve.
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I don't know the correct way but if I saw it i'd say it Jew-nee-uh. I'm from England btwIt seems a bit on the more unusual side than Aidan and Finn especially and possibily CallaI prefer the combo Junia Iris Maeve just because it seems to flow better
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