[Opinions] Mackenna / Mackenzie
So I had a dream last night that I had a baby named Mackenna. Mackenzie and Mackenna have always been guilty pleasures for me. I love the way they sound and I love all the nick names you can get from these names. Mack, Mackie, Kenna, Kenny, Kenzie etc. I remember I was a camp consouler and there was a 3 year old named Mackenzie and her parents called her Mackie and I loved the nickname. The whole "son of" thing never really bothered me. My only real concern is that it might not age well. Could picture a 30 year old named Mackenna? Could you imagine any working woman named Mackenzie getting taken seriously, say as a doctor or a teacher or whatever job she ends up getting? Could you imagine an 80 year old named Mackenzie? It's funny cause the first time I heard the name Mackenzie I was in the nurses office in highschool and this girl was calling to be taken home and she said over the school phone "Mom, it's Mackenzie. I'm sick." and I just remember the name Mackenzie sounding so stupid to me when it was said outloud in real life. Though I also remember I heard a friend in middle school tell me her brother's name was Gavin and my first thought was "That name sounds really weird when it's said outloud and I don't like it" and now it's one of my favorite names. So maybe it's fitting. But what do you think? Do you like one over the other? What about the spellings of Makenna and Makenzie...I sort of feel like Makenna looks more like it's own name rather than a last name spelled that way, though everyone will probably spell it wrong. Do they have to be MacKenna and MacKenzie in your opinion or can they be Mackenna and Mackenzie? Do you absolutely hate them as names or are they alright despite their trendyness? I've always liked the names in theorey. What about combos? I sort of like Mackenzie Amelia, Mackenzie Emilia, Mackenna Emily, Mackenna Jennifer (my mom and sister are Emily and Jennifer so I'd like some form of these names for middle names if you can think of any that fit). Also would Gavin and Mackenzie or Gavin and Mackenna work as a sibset or does it sound way too trendy? Any opinios would be appreciated!
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I love them both for girls. For exactly the nickname possibilities you mentioned. I used to like Makenna more, but I don't think I'd use it now that it's gaining in popularity. I also like Mackenzie on a boy. Spellings: I don't like the random upper case letters. Mackenzie is my prefered spelling for that one. But in Mackenna, the ck looks weird to me so I prefer Makenna.Aging: There's nothing inherently un-age-able about either of them. Compared to some of their misspelled trendy peers, they will age just fine. And I know two Mackenzies (female) in their 30s already.Combos: I'd pick a shorter middle name than the ones you suggested. Mackenzie June or Makenna Bryn, for example. Using Emily and Jennifer, what about
Mackenzie Em
Mackenzie Ember
Makenna Jenae
Mackenzie Jenna
Makenna JenelleGavin and Mackenzie/Makenna make a fine sibset.
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I've liked both names for quite some time. I used to like the MacKenzie spelling, but now I think the random capital letter looks strange and I prefer Mackenzie. Also, I really only like Mackenzie on a boy now. It used to be one of my top choices for a girl, but now I don't really care for it on a girl. It's not even the "son of" part, I just think it's better on a boy.Makenna on the other hand, I only like on a girl. I used to like the Mckenna spelling, but now I prefer the Makenna spelling as Mackenna and Mckenna just look odd to me.
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I don't like either one. The sound and the look of them don't appeal to me. I'm also bothered by the masculinity of the names on girls, the "son of" aspect. Their trendiness also irks me quite a bit.
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I like the sound of ma-KENN-a, and I like Kenna, but I can never find a spelling that I like. I don't like Mackenna because of the "Mack" part, and I don't like McKenna because it's so "McName"y. Makenna seems a little contrived (although it's probably the one I like best.) And it does look more like its own name.
I really don't like capital letters in names like MacKenna, although I don't mind MacKenna as much as MacKenzie.
I do like Mackenzie, mainly because I know a cute little girl with this name (although there are quite a few Mackenzies my age too). I don't like any other spelling for Mackenzie. I know teenage Mackenzies so it isn't hard for me to imagine 20-ish Mackenzies.
I think Mackenna would age very well, actually. It's a lot more mature sounding than Mackenzie. Plus they can always change to go by Kenna if the Mac part sounds too young-- Kenzie, on the other hand, sounds even younger than Mackenzie.
I actually like Gavin and Mackenzie or Gavin and Mackenna as sibsets (I like it especially with Mackenna). I've always thought Gavin sounded very mature though, not trendy, so I'm not sure.
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I prefer Mackenna for a girl, but I hate them both on girls, to be honest. I don't mind Kenna, though. I actually think Kenna is kind of cute (I like Brenna, Jenna and Kendra, so why not?)
My ex boyfriend is named Mackenzie, so I don't see this as a girl name at.all. I don't see it as a cute name, it has always stricken me as a "hot name" for a guy. Mack is awesome as a nickname, and I say this after being the girl to date a Mackenzie nn Mack. Usually girls end up hating their exes' names but nope, I still think it's awesome (and Mac actually became my #3 boy name about 2 weeks before my ex and I met).
I don't think changing the spelling of Mackenna really makes a difference to it. It still looks awkward to me. I think I'd pick Mackenna, though.
Mackenzie in this spelling only. All the other ones really ruin it for me- random capitalizations, different vowels, missing consonants... no thank you. MacKenzie or McKenzie as a last name, Mackenzie as a first name.
Gavin & Mackenzie/Mackenna are super, super trendy. Less trendy and more handsome if Mackenzie were a boy, but if it's Mackenzie on a girl, then definitely trendy.
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Hate hate hate Mackenzie. It's too trendy and masculine. Mackenna's slightly better.
I would much prefer Makenna.
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Mackenna's actually more recently "trendy" than Mackenzie... Mackenzie's been floating around for some time now. Mackenna just kinda shot up out of nowhere... Mackenzie kinda laid low for a while before spiking... I notice that the stronger years for Mackenzie on boys seem to correspond w/ the time around when Facts of Life was popular... Wonder if Mackenzie Austin influenced that name choice at all...
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What about Makena? Same sound, completley different origin and meaning. I actually like Makena (this spelling ONLY) and think it will age alot better than the trendy surname alternatives. Because no, I cannot imagine na 80 yr old named Mackenze. Sure by the time she gets to that age half her peers will have cutesy misspelled trendee names, I don't think it will seem odd. But I still loathe it. And the sound of it. And the look of it. And the meaning of it.Plus, what kid wants to look up her name and find out it means "Son of the handsome one?" It's like a double dose of boy. Sure, not everyone cares about meaning and it's fine if you don't. But your daughter might.The McK spellings are my least favourite of all of them. Most surname looking.Makena Emily would be nice. Makena Genevieve? Makena Emmeline? Makena Emilia? Makena Emme? It sounds fine with Gavin.
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Think I like Makena Genevieve best of your combos.
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For some reason I have always had a soft spot for McKenna and McKenzie (spelled like this) too. They just sound so spunky and happy everytime I say them. Plus Macky is one of my favorite nicknames, so there is a plus. I think they do have the potential to age well. The only McKenzie I know (my younger brothers both know one or two in the 10-16 age range) is 25 and she goes by Kenzie professionally. I think it works, but maybe I am just used to it.
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I don't really like Mackenna on either gender, though Kenna is ok on a girl (It's too surnamey)... Mackenzie makes me think either of Mackenzie Austin or people w/ that surname or the Mackenzie river... On a girl, I'd prefer just Kenzie, but I don't mind Mackenzie on a boy. It's somehow 1 of the few surnames I don't mind as a fn.
Gavin and Mackenzie sounds better than Gavin and Mackenna.
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I personally don't like either name, I just find them really masculine (and the nicknames you mentioned sound masculine to me too - particularly Mack and Mackie). I don't think it's the "son of" thing that bothers me, or even the trendiness, just the fact that they are surnames and I don't like surnames as first names really.I think the reason that you can't picture a 30 year old Mackenzie is because almost all Mackenzies out there are very young at the moment - there are no 30 year old ones yet. In 25 years time, when all the little Mackenzies have grown up, it will be easy to imagine an adult with the name. I wouldn't put the random capital letter in the middle (MacKenzie) - that makes it look even more surnamey.
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Mackenzie Austin is prob'ly in his 30s... but he's a guy.
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