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[Opinions] Campbell for a girl!
Ok i must admit that i don't like surnamey names on girls, but there is a few i'm starting to like, i'll call them my guilty pleasures. They are Campbell, Madison and Turner. Wdyt? Please don't flame me. Tkanks.
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Well, whether one likes Campbell as a girls' name or not, if one lives in the USA one will have to get used to it. The combination of the fame of Campbell Brown and the similarity in sound to Camryn has already turned Campbell into a girls' name in the USA. In 2004 there were three times as many girls as boys named Campbell, and unless some male celebrity named Campbell shows up within the next few years future generations are likely to see Campbell as being just as feminine as most young Americans see Ashley and Madison today.
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I detest them all, sorry. Though I do like Campbell for a boy--reminds me of Campbell Scott. :) But I can understand having "guilty pleasures," we all have them. :b ~Heather~
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Campbell is a brand of soup. Also, it's harsh and ugly.Madison is completely horrendous. It's trendy, surnamey, masculine, and a city. The mermaid in Splash named her this as a JOKE. Doesn't this tell you something?Turner is the name of a disease. It's horribly ugly, and harsh. for Turner's Syndrome info.
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I think Campbell works better for a girl than a boy, especially with the nickname Cammie, it's kind of cute and much better than Cameron or Camden. Nothing I'd personally use, but it's okay. Madison is WAY too trendy, and Turner just reminds me of Turner Broadcastin and CNN, but that's just me.
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Campbell Brown comes to mind: don't normally like surnames, but it's not bad on her and I also know a 19-yr old Carter and her name suits her as well. In her case, she is named her mother's maiden name, a Southern tradition in the US.
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I like Campbell on a girl! If our last name was different, I'd try and get dh to go for it, but as is, it sounds like a college dormitory.Madison is nice in theory, but it's popularity drives me up a wall!Turner is cool! See Campbell for my reason not to use it.Others I like:Cooper. It helps that this is a family name for me.Reis, prn. rice. It's also a family name.
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Same here when it comes to Campbell.I'm not big on surnamey girls' names, either, but I give in with Campbell. I just think it's sweet, for whatever reason. But for me it's the only one offhand that I'd say I like. :-)
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I met a little girl named Campbell, about age five, and I'm sorry to say I wasn't won over to liking the name as a female name at all. It was just weird to me... like she had no personal name, and there was no friendly way to address her.Turner - I think I'd feel the same about.Madison, on the other hand, I've had since Splash (1984) to get used to. And, most importantly, it matches the rhythm and pattern of the name Alison, which makes it "feel" like it could be a woman's name. So I'm okay with Madison. It's not my style because it still seems really artificial to me, but it's not unpleasant to my senses like the others you mention.- chazda
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I LOVE Campbell for a girl! I'm using either Campbell or Finley for a girl.Aeon: I know I came here to kill you...
Trevor Goodchild: That's why you're in a cell.
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Sorry, but not good. Sometimes last names work as firsts, but not these, in my opinion.Campbell: Soup. Nicknames-Camby, or Campy:)
Madison: This is really getting old. Very masculine.
Turner: Also masculine, and has an 80's feel to me.
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I only like Madison out of your list. :)Mum to Hayley Anne
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Love, love, love, LOVE Campbell for a girl! One of my absolute favorites! :)
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This makes me think of Campbell soup "mmm-mmm good".
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Some surnames have unisex meanings and are fine for girls if thats your style though I personally like very fewCampbell on paper looks pretty but it is pronounced Cam bul not Cam bell as some people think and it means crooked mouth, not very attractive to my mindMadison - is a 'son of' name, a male orientated meaning and is very very popular so I am told, though not where I liveTurner - meaning 'one who works with a lathe' the meaning in this day and age is unisex but I really dont find this at all attractive. a girl with this name could get called Turnip, like a freind of mine who's surname was Turner, she had a strong prsonality and thought it hilarious but a quieter shyer girl might not especially if Turner was her first name.
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No. Please--no. Madison is not a name for a little girl. It's the name for a wonderful, wonderful city, for a long-dead president, and for a mermaid too naive to know what does and doesn't constitute a human name. It's not a name for a little baby, a child, a teenager, a grown woman, or someone's grandmother.Campbell and Turner aren't any better, but I don't have so personal an issue with people using them.Array
I've seen the needle and the damage done
A little part of it in everyone
But every junkie's like a settin' sun.
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I don't like them for girls or boys.
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Well you can deffinately use Madison because so many other people are but I can't say I really like it. The problem I have with a lot of the surnames that people use for girls are their obvious masculine sound or meanings! Such as Madison has that 'son' part in it and it means 'son of Maud'! Campbell may have that 'bell' part in it (I know it's not pronounced camp-bell) that may seem feminine to people but it's such a strong Scottish surname and I hate to see it degraded like this and turned into a trendy girls name! Turner is very very masculine to me and is an old occupational surname not at all cute or feminine!I'm sorry to fume a little (no actually flames you understand) but this whole surnames as girls names thing can really get on my nerves sometimes! :)
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Alas, I am a surnamer, although I don't particularly care for the names you mentioned. I would pick Madison over Campbell or Turner.
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No flames. These names just are not my style even a tiny bit. Sorry. They just sound way too masculine to me.
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