[Opinions] Rhiannon
WDYT of it? I think it's kind of pretty but doubt I would ever use it. Thoughts?
I love this name! One day when I have kids I fully intend to use it for one of my daughters. Well not Rhiannon but Rhiana. I love both versions though.
I had a friend in elementary school with this name (probably named after the Fleetwood Mac song since we were born in the '70s), and I though it was so "cool" back then. :b I don't dislike it now, but it just seems a little dated to me.


I like it. I've only known two. It's pretty but familiar.
I like it probably more so as a mn, the only problem I have with this name is its really close sounding to Breanna. My sister's name is Briana (Bree-ann-ah) and she gets called Rhiannon ALL the time. :)
Mum to Hayley Anne
Mum to Hayley Anne
I love it! Like you, I'd probably never use it, but it's one of those names that deserves a double-take. On another board, someone once posted a batch of birth announcements which contained the combo Rhiannon Fern. Since then, I can't get the combo out of my head. Rhiannon is hauntingly beautiful, left over from a time of myths and legends.


I don't like it. I know it's supposed to be a rare, pretty name but it sounds kind of...tired out to me.
~~she came in through the bathroom window~~
~~she came in through the bathroom window~~
i agree, it's pretty, but not practical
It's kind of nice. Reminds me of a Stevie Nicks song.
I don't know. I'm not an expert on 70's pop. Probably easy enough to look up though.
It is. Sorry, I'm not trying to be a smartass - it's just that Fleetwood Mac is such a great band. You've gotta give credit where credit's due.
By the way... I love this name, and do think it's practical. It has some great nickname potential if you can't stomach the entire thing.
By the way... I love this name, and do think it's practical. It has some great nickname potential if you can't stomach the entire thing.
Yeah, it was done by Fleetwood Mac not solo
It is rather lovely and it's Welsh! I don't think I'd ever use it either but it might be nice for a dear pet or in a story sometime! :)

I love it. We considered using it for our last child but decided it was a mouthful with our surname. I think it's very pretty and not incredibly popular, which is why I liked it.