[Opinions] What would you name triplets?
B/B/B, G/G/G, G/G/B, B/B/G, if you feel like it. =)
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Like your 3 G set and Darcy... Basil and Viviana are kinda nice too. Not a fan of the other names.
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Isaac and Charlotte are the only ones I particularly like... but I guess dif. styles is what keeps everyone from being lumped w/ the same names.
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I love sets 1, 2 and 4.
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Thank you. All the boy's names except for Oscar are family names as is Charlotte.
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Alexander David, Nathaniel Isaiah, & Christopher John
Lauren Elisabeth, Grace Audrey, & Layla Jane
Lauren Elisabeth, Grace Audrey, & Alexander David
Alexander David, Nathaniel Isaiah, & Lauren Elisabeth
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Like the boys' names enough. From the girls, I only like Jane and Elisabeth.
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Nathaniel Isaiah and Grace Audrey are lovely!
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Using current obsessionsThese names have been on my mind, I'm really taken with them. BBB: Piers Edmund (or Pierce Edmund?), Thierry Norman, Guy RogerGGG: Germaine Philippa Fox, Gisele Petronille, Mary Alix (double name, pronounced like "Maria Lise")GGB: Maud Kinborough, Amice Mirabelle "Amicie", Hugh Henry BBG: Piers William, Guy Wallace, Alix Eleanor
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Guy's nice if prn'd the Fr. way... strange to me if prn'd like the En. word.Wallace is somewhat refreshing even if nms.Philippa's the only other that I'm fond of from here.
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I love Piers / Pierce Edmund! I used to have the combo Edmund Pierce (Pierce is a family surname for me). =) All of your combos/sets are so gorgeous. I especially love Germaine Philippa Fox (this is so incredible), Mary Alix, Maud Kinborough, Amice Mirabelle, Hugh Henry, Guy Wallace and Alix Eleanor.My favorite set is the third.
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Thanks! I am pretty proud of Germaine Philippa Fox. I'm seriously enamoured with Germaine right now. Also Alix, which is odd because I don't like Alexandra/Alex. I like that Alix is its own name.Pierce was my great-grandpa's nickname! Go team Pierce :D
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AhahaI should actually give this some serious thought... :/B/B/B
Patrick Ieuan (would call him Pat sometimes)
James "Jem / Jamie" ...Frederick, if I could talk myself into it, otherwise maybe Clair
Llewelyn Francis (maybe "Llelo," maybe "Lyn" or Lewin... Llew... I dunno)G/G/G
Margaret Evelyn "Gretchen"
Annemarie Frances "Nan"
Virginia Claire "Ginny"B/B/G
Patrick Ieuan
Llewelyn Francis
Margaret EvelynG/G/B
Margaret Evelyn
Annemarie Frances
Patrick Ieuan(all mns honoring)Yes, Llewelyn is back on the really would use list. But I'm trying to decide if I'd pronounce it in Welsh or English. Obviously I'd not expect everyone else to pronounce it in Welsh.

This message was edited 12/16/2011, 6:12 AM

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I'm also keeping my fingers crossed for you!All of your combos are wonderful. My favorites are Patrick Ieuan, Llewellyn Francis, James Frederick (love the nn Jem), Margaret Evelyn and Virginia Claire.
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On pronouncing Llewelyn, seeing that you live in the States (likewise here), I think it'd be wise to just use the English pronunciation. I don't know how many Americans are familiar with Welsh, but I can't see it being too many. That doesn't mean you can't teach him the Welsh pronunciation of his name, or use it at home, etc. When I started using my MN Fiammetta, I accepted the fact that it would be fee-ah-MET-tah (or in our lovely New England accent, Fee-yuh-medduh *cringe*) if people even attempted it. However, that spawned the NN Fia - I think Llew would be just as snappy and intuitive for Llewelyn.
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Well yeahI would definitely introduce him to others just saying the Ll as an L. But at home I might pronounce it correctly for fun.I'm just not sure what my favorite nn is. I went to high school with a Llewellyn who went by Lynn (spelled it that way for some reason). I think Llelo is really cute for a little boy though. People will call your kid whatever you introduce them as, so I'm not concerned with it not being that intuitive.How is Fiametta said if it's not fee-a-MET-a? Fia is super cute though. :)
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I'm kind of obsessed with intuitive nicknames. It bothers me when I can't figure out how the NN comes from the full name. Silly, I know.It's more like fyah-MEH-tah (3 instead of 4 syllables):
http://www.namepedia.org/en/firstname/Fiammetta/ (click on the "Listen to this name" button)
I love how on the name entries on that site there is a "Buy this name" link. "HAHA, I'm buying Fiammetta so nobody else can use it!!!11" How much money do you need to buy a name? I'm surprised I haven't heard of celebrities doing it. They sure can afford it, and they'd get all kinds of lawsuits out of it... :-D
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Why do you need to give it serious thought? Are you at risk of contracting triplets?!The girl set is sooo adorable. Gretchen, Nan, and Ginny? I'm dyin' over here.
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Yeah, this month for sure. The odds are of course low, but since it's possible I'm feeling kind of anxious about it!
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Eeee! Got my fingers and toes crossed for you!(I mean, you want that, right? Just making sure I'm crossing my fingers for the right thing)
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Well, we went ahead because I'm of the opinion at this point that God is going to give us whatever children we're meant to have, and if that's triplets then yikes. But I'd prefer your fingers were crossed for 1-2. :)

This message was edited 12/16/2011, 7:18 AM

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Archibald Christopher Jude is so fantastic! I love how it seems to take me on a journey.
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Samuel, James, William
Poppy, Annabelle, Letitia
Poppy,Annabelle, Samuel
Samuel, William,Poppy
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Love them all! Especially the first two sets.
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Aw, Poppy, Annabelle and Letitia is darling!
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Skye dislikeAspen
Hadley (on either gender)
Annabelle is ok in a farm critter kind of way, but not that thrilling.

This message was edited 12/17/2011, 5:27 AM

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B/B/B, G/G/G, G/G/B, B/B/G, if you feel like it. =)GGG: Isla, Alice and Eve. Maybe Isla Josephine, Alice Katherine and Eve HermioneBBB: Jasper, Oscar and Arthur. Not sure about Arthur, it's a new one on my list. Jasper James, Oscar Anthony and Arthur ?GGB: Isla, Eve & Oscar: Isla Josephine, Eve Hermione & Oscar Anthony JamesBBG: Oscar, Jasper & Eve: Oscar Anthony, Jasper James & Eve Josephine
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Thanks :)
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Jasper, Oscar and Arthur is glorious. I enjoy the "r-ending" theme. You don't really notice how they sound similar until you think about it.
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Yeah I thought it sounded good. They all end in -r but it's -er, -ar and -ur so they're all a little different.
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Impulse namesBecause I don't have any preset triplets in my head... :P B/B/B: Joel Desmond, Jesse Isaiah, Jonathan Aaron
B/B/G: Joel Desmond, Benjamin Miles, Skye Elaine
B/G/G: Joel Desmond, Skye Elaine, Kylie Joanna
G/G/G: Skye Elaine, Kylie Joanna, Paige Adela
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Most of those are pretty decent. The only ones I'm not too fond of are Desmond and Elaine w/ Paige being borderline simply because a term originally referring to and meaning a boy being placed on a girl seems a little odd to me. However, soundwise, it is pleasant.
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Esther, Maia, Malachi, Ezra, Zimri and Matthias are the best of these.
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Gorgeous combos! They all go together so well.
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I love Abram, Quinton and Wesley! Bram, Quin and Wes is a stunning sibset.
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Thank you! I'm loving the 3 together so much I'm actually not minding the idea of having triplet boys - I must be crazy!

This message was edited 12/16/2011, 3:53 PM

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aw your boys sound like lovable ragamuffins
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Thank you! I love that description :)
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I'd give them the same names that I would give to siblings who weren't triplets.B/B/B: Flynn Alistair / Theo Malachi / Silas Rowan
G/G/G: Iris Winter / Mira Simone / Delphine Octavia
G/G/B: Iris Winter / Mira Simone / Flynn Alistair
B/B/G: Flynn Alistair / Theo Malachi / Iris Winter
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Malachi is the best of these.
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Wilfred Howell makes me want to squeal in delight. So adorably grown-up.

This message was edited 12/16/2011, 8:56 AM

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3 Boys:
Austin Zachary
Noah Lawrence (Lawrence is after a good friend of mine who passed away)
Jamison John "JJ" (James is my dh's fn name, my father's mn, and my paternal grandfathers fn, John is my maternal father's fn)3 Girls:
Aveline Rae "Ave" (Rae is after my mother whose fn is Raewyn)
Rosalie Helena "Rose" (Helena is after my paternal grandmother, Helen)
Eleanor Lily "Elle" (Lily is after my maternal grandmother whose mn was Lillian)2 Boys, 1 Girl:
Ave1 Boys, 2 Girl:

This message was edited 12/15/2011, 7:12 PM

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Austin Zachary's kinda nice and I like Rosalie. (but not Helena) Noah's ok.
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I had a surprisingly difficult time with this/know I'm gonna change my mind right after I post hahaha
Greer Dorothea
Lee Antonina
Georgiana Ines
Vivian Flannery
Joanna Carson
Hugo Maximillian Ira Mathis
Edgar Coltrane
Gioia Lavender Ira Mathis
Milo Ulysses
Simon Jack
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I love them all!
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Oh! Greer Dorothea is surprisingly sleek and glamourous. I picture a Katherine Hepburn-type bombshell in a pantsuit and great lipstick with a mind as sharp a a scalpel.
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Today they'd probably be:G/G/G:
Penelope Rose Harriet "Nella"
Elizabeth Monica Maeve "Bess"
Edith Eleanor Clara "Edie"B/B/B:
Finn Peter Augustus
Oliver Miles Columba
Jackson William SomerledMy combos are all boring me at the moment and my boy's especially feel uninspired. I'm actually really digging a lot of other boy's names at the moment but they are all so different in styles that they'd sound terrible as triplets. Oh well... #inaseriousnamefunk
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Aw, Edie, Nella and Bess are too sweet together!
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I love Elizabeth Monica Maeve and Edith Eleanor Clara oooooooohYeah it's much funner to play with names that aren't Your Absolute Favorites
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I know how that feels. I'm technically still in a name funk myself. However, your combos really are gorgeous.
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ahhh, these are AWESOME!!! maybe you just use/see them too much?
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Malcolm Nigel
Tristram Hugo
Edward GaleG/G/G
Persephone Dawn
Hermione Rose
Eglantine BelleG/G/B
Guinevere Cascille
Maybelle Margaret
Howard RossB/B/G
Theodore Fyfe
Jasper Reid
Luna Verity
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Howard Ross is too fabulous!

This message was edited 12/16/2011, 9:01 AM

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Wow. Very nice combos/sets. I have to say, Guinevere Cascille is inspired.
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My favorite set of yours is:Theodore Fyfe
Jasper Reid
Luna Verity
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Christmas trip setEvening Natalia Yildiz
Winter Aniela Belen
Glory Evangelina NoelleIsaak Oleksander Christmas
Asa Emmanuel Magi
Gilead Tannenbaum Garland

This message was edited 12/15/2011, 5:08 PM

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Great combos! I love the theme. =)
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:-) Thanks. I like to mix it up from time to time!
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Victoria, Veronica and Virginia (because that's just adorable)
Thomas Laurence, Evan Paul and Lukas Victor (my usual go-to boy's names)
Helena May, Rowena Ivy and Fabian Remus
Matthias Leif, Mercutio Rune and Saskia Katherine
but maybe I'd switch out one of the boy's names for Arturo Indigo, or one of the girl's names for Nephele Beatrix...
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I just LOVE this set of yours:Helena May, Rowena Ivy and Fabian Remus
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I love your combos, but I have to applaud you for using / mentioning Mercutio, Nephele, Fabian and Remus. Such interesting names.

This message was edited 12/15/2011, 5:11 PM

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Like Katarina, Raphael, Christian and Therese (prefer Theresa).Dislike Helen and Julian and not a fan of Allan.The others are ok, but not exciting to me.
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I love your combos. They're all very classy.
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I love these two sets:Geneva Florence
Margot Isabelle
Leonie CatelineTheodore Bruce - don't evenlike the name Bruce, but he really shines in this combo!
Julian Mark
Genevieve Florence
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I love your names! Especially Margot Isabelle and Geneva Florence.
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This combo si great!Eve Rosemarie
Charlotte Ione
Desmond John
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I love your names! It's awesome to see someone use Ione.
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Yoshiya Samuel David Mateo
Sanbi Shori
Nobumichi KouheiMotoka Rosalie
Tehilah Mayu
Marika JoyJohanneke Mizuki
Madoka Renee
Nobuyoshi EItoTakahiro Darryl
Kazuhisa Malachi
Harmony Erina
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Sanbi Shori is way adorable.
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I like this set the best:Motoka Rosalie
Tehilah Mayu
Marika Joy
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Yeah... I'm rather fond of that set too.
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Yoshiya Samuel David Mateo, Motoka Rosalie, Tehilah Mayu, Marika Joy, Johanneke Mizuki, Madoka Renee, Takahiro Darryl, Kazuhisa Malachi and Harmony Erina are all great.
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THanks. I have fun playing with those... I think the last set of 3 would be adorable on a part African or part African American set of little ones.
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Sefton Alec is really really neat!
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Iris Amparo, Flora Itxasne, Alba Leire
Edmund Leopold, Marius Caspar & Efrem Unai
Iris Amparo, Flora Itxasne & Edmund Leopold (or maybe Edmund Unai)
Edmund Leopold (or maybe Edmund Unai), Marius András & Iris Amparo (...or maybe Iris Itxasne. I've fallen so hard for Itxasne lately)My answer is very "Whos' the father?"-dependant, though.

This message was edited 12/15/2011, 3:14 PM

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Edmund Unai, Marius András & Iris Amparo is my favorite set.
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I love your names! Marius Caspar, Efrem Unai and Edmund Unai especially.How would you pronounce Itxasne?
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And Itxasne is pronounced "ee-CHASS-neh", it's the Basque form of "Marina", and a variant is Itsasne. I know an Itsasne and heard someone call her "Txasne" (CHASS-neh) one day, so when I got home I looked to see if Itxasne is a name, and it is. I find Itxasne a little easier to say than Itsasne.

This message was edited 12/15/2011, 11:01 PM

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Cool combos!
I like Iris Amparo, Flora Itxasne, Alba Leire, Edmund Leopold, Marius András, and Unai.
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It may be boring, but I'd just stick with my favorites. I think they work well for siblings, so they'll work for triplets too.BBB: Malcolm Alexander/Vincent Peter/Aaron Everett
GGG: Rose Millicent/Catherine Clare/Lucy Isabelle
GGB: Rose Millicent/Catherine Clare/Malcolm Alexander
BBG: Malcolm Alexander/Vincent Peter/Rose Millicent
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I like this set bestRose Millicent/Catherine Clare/Malcolm Alexander
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Rose Millicent is so gorgeous! I love Vincent Peter and Malcolm Alexander too.
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I like Vincent Peter, Everett, Aaron Everett (sound only), Lucy Isabelle, and Catherine.
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Boring? If I saw these names on a BA list I'd dance a jig. I love your names. :-)
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Aww, thanks. :)
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I'm tired of my old standbys, so I'm going to make some outlandish combos, here:B/B/B: Xavier Callahan, Archibald Anson, Rutherford WilloughbyG/G/G: Fatima Genevieve, Andromeda Circe, Ulyssa AntoniaG/G/B: Edwina Roberta, Mabel Antigone, Holden BorisB/B/G: Ivan Rupert, Donovan Marco, Ruth Valentine
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I cannot choose which set I like best! They are all great!!! I think I will pick:
Fatima Genevieve, Andromeda Circe, Ulyssa Antonia
because Ulyssa, Andromeda and Fatima in the same sib set might make me kiss a total stranger!!!
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I started to list all of the ones that I like, but I pretty much listed all of them. =)
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Ruth Valentine is so lovely!
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Andromeda Circe! Perfect!
I also like Callahan, Ulyssa Antonia, Edwina, Mabel Antigone, Ivan, Donovan, and Ruth Valentine. And Rutherford Willoughby, actually. Willoughby is likable.
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Yeah, Willoughby is growing on me. I used to think it was stupid, but now I really like it.
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If I'm not fettered by the children's surname or their father's input I'd say:B/B/B: Desmond Charles, Cormac Timothy and Malachy ThomasG/G/G: Mairead Cathleen, Niamh Annmarie, and Aoife (?)G/G/B: Mairead Cathleen, Niamh Annmarie, Desmond Thomas (Thomas honors both sides and if I only get one boy Thomas has to be in there)B/B/G: Desmond Thomas (Thomas is my father as well as dh's mn and dh's brother and dh's father's mn), Cormac Arthur (if I don't get three boys I can't use dh's three brothers for mns as above. Usuing Arthur is more diplomatic) and Niamh AnnmarieMns are honoring. I would say Margaret as the mn for Aoife, but I've already got a Mairead. So if anyone has any ideas for a nice mn for Aoife I'd be glad to hear it. She might get the only non-family mn but oh, well.

This message was edited 12/15/2011, 2:52 PM

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Desmond Charles, Cormac Timothy and Malachy Thomas is my favorite set. Not because I don't love the others, but because these three are just ruggedly handsome and oh so wonderful!!!
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Bear, you have fabulous taste as always! Your sets are gorgeous, but I have to say, I am in love with your boy sibset. They're so distinguished.I wish I had some Aoife combos made up, but I've never found Aoife easy to pair. Aoife Magdalene / Madailein, Aoife Rachel / Raicheal, Aoife Roisin, Aoife Francisca?
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Ooh, Frances is dear to my heart so Aoife Francisca could be in the imaginary running.Thanks for the compliment. :-) But my distinguished imaginary boys are something of a disappointment to my dh and myself. We had such dreams for them, but all they want to do is idle time away on the internet. Where do they get that from . . . ?:-)
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Aoife Rosalind and Aoife Morwen are fantastic. :-DI wish I had a relative named Rosalind so I could justify it more. Morwen is at least Celtic so it has a better chance of making the imaginary cut. I had thought of Aoife Caroline but not Aoife Coraline. Interesting. I'll chew on it for a while. Thanks!
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Any distant relatives named Rose, or someone with the middle name Rose somewhere to justify Rosalind?
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No, we're not a rosey bunch I'm afraid. It's funny -- a lot of the same names are used in dh's and my immediate families. A lot of my mns kills two (sometimes three) birds with one stone. But not one Rose, dammit. But thanks for the effort. :-)

This message was edited 12/15/2011, 4:45 PM

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BBBRonan Peregrine or Roran Peregrine (I still don't know which I like better. Ronan is easier to say but it's also more popular...)
Sylvan Andreas
Lucas CaspianGGGRowan Galadriel
Aerona Branwen
Luna ArtemisGGBRiver Sabriel
Saoirse Annora
Anthony RuneBBGPerrin Gabriel
Andor Gawain
Fiera Gwyneira
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I love Ronan Peregrine, Sylvan Andreas (fabulous!), Lucas Caspian, Rowan Galadriel, Luna Artemis, River Sabriel, Saoirse Annora, Perrin Gabriel and Andor Gawain.
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Oh, gutsy. Rowan Galadriel is my favorite, but you've got some terrific options here. It's so nice to see Ronan and Peregrine being considered. Lucas Caspain too. Oh, heck, all of them. :-)
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Gorgeous names, especially James Kenneth, Susanna Elisabeth and Helena Katharine.
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Gorgeous. My favorite trio is Louisa Caroline, Helena Katharine and Susanna Elisabeth. They sound like 19th century princesses on their way to marry a foreign prince. But all of the combinations are winners. I love your style. :-)
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Thanks :-) I'm English but I live in Germany, so I like names that work well in both countries.
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B/B/B: Edmund Gaspar "Ned", Oswald Ignatius "Oz" and Orpheus JohannG/G/G: Beryl Antigone, Beatrice Lilac "Trisha" / June Galadriel / Daisy Swanhilde (I can't choose!) and Rosamund Thisbe "Roz"Ok. Beatrice Lilac, Daisy Swanhilde and Rosamund Isolde. OR Beryl Antigone, June Galadriel and Rosamund Thisbe.B/B/G: Amos Gottlieb, Edmund Pius "Ned" and Myrtle FranciscaG/G/B: Hester Dionisia "Hettie", Pearl Rohesia and Walter Oberon "Walt"

This message was edited 12/15/2011, 2:38 PM

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I'd pair Rosamund Thisbe with Beatrice Lilac and Daisy Swanhild. Oh yes.That last set is so stunning it burns my eyes. Aaaiieee, the awesome!
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Thank you! =)
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These are my two favorite sets:Edmund Gaspar "Ned", Oswald Ignatius "Oz" and Orpheus JohannHester Dionisia "Hettie", Pearl Rohesia and Walter Oberon "Walt"But I am digging:
Amos Gottlieb
Edmund Pius
Rosamund Thisbe "Roz"
Beatrice Lilac
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Amos & Edmund as brothers are AMAZING!
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Thank you! ^-^
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Ooh... I like Edmund Gaspar "Ned", Oswald Ignatous "Oz" (so cool), Orpheus Johann (I love Orpheus!), Antigone, Lilac, Galadriel, Rosamund Thisbe, Rosamund Isolde, Myrtle Francisca, Hester Dionisia, Pearl Rohesia, and Oberon!
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Thanks! =)
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Wowee-woo!Hester Dionisia (Hettie), Beryl Antigone, Edmund Gaspar, Oswald Ignatius, Rosamund Thisbe, Daisy Swanhilde, Myrtle Francisca! Be still my heart. Someone get RegalAmethyst some fertility drugs so she can have triplets immediately. The world needs more names like these. :-)
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Awww, thank you! =)
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Beryl and Myrtle? Really?I am not sure why but the combination makes me think of regurgitated corn meal.
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Not in the same sibset, but I love both of those names.

This message was edited 12/15/2011, 2:58 PM

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Why not in the same set?
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I think they sound too similar.
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Vendela or Tullia or Irmelin ...Mirjam
Ilian or maybe Gabriel
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I love all of your names!
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Oh, neat. I love saying Mirjam and Ofelia out loud. Vendela is fun but I think I prefer Tullia and Irmelin even more. Ilian is interesting. Is it a variant of Elijah / Ilya? Just curious.
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It just annoys me that Ofelia and Tullia have the same ending ...Ilian is actually a medieval Swedish form of Egidius (aka Giles), via the German form Gilgen or Ilgen.
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Thanks!I adore Egidius / Giles. I've never heard of Gilgen or Ilgen before but I love them already. Thanks! New members for "Team Egidius." :-D
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Lydia Rosalie, Cecily Marigold, and Eloise VivienneLydia Rosalie, Cecily Marigold, and Rupert TheodoreLydia Rosemary, Rupert Theodore, and Arthur FrederickRupert Theodore, Arthur Frederick, and Henry Walter
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I like Lydia Rosemary, Cecily Marigold (I love that combo), Vivienne, Theodore, and maybe Arthur Frederick.
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Lydia Rosalie, Cecily Marigold, Rupert Theodore and Arthur Frederick are all lovely. =)
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Darling combinations. :-)
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I like Luke, Alice Keturah, and Charlotte. I really like Alice Winona too...
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Wonderful combinations. You've got great names in the family to work with and you've made the most of them. Alice Keturah is a gem.
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