[Opinions] Mackenzie

A baby boy named Mackenzie born in 2012? Your thoughts on the name in general and the higher popularity of the name for girls. And what do you think about the possible nickname Mac....
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I really like Mackenzie for a boy, but horrible for a girl.
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Mac is unavoidable, so there's nothing more to be said. Anyone who doesn't enjoy Mac shouldn't use a Mac- name or even take a Mac- ln on marriage.Like all lnfns, it's fine for family reasons but it's become just another trendy choice. As for the gender issue, if I wanted to use a ln as a given name for family reasons and I had a daughter, I'd use it as a mn only. Clearly I am outnumbered.
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I think it's adorable/dashing (according to age) and refreshing on a boy but tired and ugly on a girl. I really like the nickname Mac (for boys).
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I prefer Mackenzie on a boy for sure. Actually I really like it as a boys' name and really don't care for it on a girl. I like Mac as a nn for it too :)
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I think it's fine. Names change- no big deal.
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Hmmm. Pretty awkward to be the only boy surrounded by a bevy of female Mackenzie's. What about MacArthur? or McMahon? Really, you could open your phone book and find any number of far cooler and more masculine options. I like the nickname Mac. You could also get there via Cormac. Good luck, keep thinking it through.
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I like Mackenzie on a boy only. However, I would be cautious about using it in the US right now, since it is so popular for girls. I'm not a fan of Mac. I actually don't like any nickname for Mackenzie.
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I only like it on a boy. I know Americans use it almost strictly on girls, but since the name originated in Scotland and the Scotland still use it almost strictly on boys, that's the way it should be.
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Adore!I love Mackenzie for a boy (loathe it on a girl despite popularity but I tend to like "unisex" names for boys). I adore the nn Mac and would use it myself if I ever used Mackenzie or meet one
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I like it for a boy spelled McKenzie. Kenzie is a cool guys name I think.
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I don't like it at all. It's too masculine for a girl, but too commonly used on girls for a boy! Nicknames like Mack/Mac and Kenzie all sound really masculine to me, and I think the name means something like "son of". I wouldn't use it on a boy either though.Also I think it's been ruined by awful trendy spellings like Mykynzi bleurgh!
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I'm just glad to see that it's a boy in this case. I've never been fond of it for a girl. I used to love it for a boy, but its appeal has worn off some due to its major popularity for girls in the early 2000s. I still like it for a boy, though. It's just difficult not to think of the whole Mc-/Mac- name craze.

This message was edited 1/5/2012, 9:08 AM

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for either gender, *facepalm*
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Ditto this.
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I actually like Mackenzie. I didn't used to, but after getting to know a sweet little girl with this name I sort of grew to see its charm... it's definitely not my style, but I don't really dislike it. She goes by Kenzie and Mac (I prefer Kenzie). I've also met a teenage boy named Mackenzie-- the only boy Mackenzie I know-- and as far as I know he didn't have a nickname. I like the more handsome Scottish vibe it has on a boy, whereas on a girl it's less Scottish and more American/trendy/popular/preppy. I don't like Mac for either gender; my first association with Mac was an old ferrier and then an old mule. I also don't really like the look. I like Kenzie for a girl. If I had to choose a nickname for a boy Mackenzie it would probably be Mac, but I still might prefer Kenz or something. Maybe even Ken would work?
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Yessss. I love Mackenzie for a boy, I don't care if it's a random surname. I've liked it for a long time and it's dear to me. But I couldn't bring myself to use it unless I had that surname in my family.Boo that the popularity is higher for girls. That makes me more inclined to want to see boys with that name. Take it back!I think Mac(k) is a cute nickname, but I also like Mike as a nickname.
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I love the nickname Mack for a boy. I don't mind Mackenzie on a boy but I don't like it either.In my opinion it sounds more feminine. I just don't like the -ck- part in it on a girl, it looks harsh. I also don't like the nickname Mack on a girl.For a girl I like it spelled McKenzie. Makenzie is alright. I have a very nice friend named McKenzie. I prefer it used without a nickname but Kenzie is ok.I think it's perfectly fine on a girl. In my opinion it was never masculine to begin with. It has always been unisex because it has always been a surname that was worn by both, men and women. So I disagree with people who say it's a masculine name. Yes, it was used on men first as a given name but it has always been a name that women had as a surname too. I don't mind the meaning. Andrea means "man" and it is definitely a girls name as well.
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I don't know what possessed people to use it as a fn for girls at all. It should only ever have been a boys name.
I think it's usable for a little boy today, but be prepared for the ' that's a girls name' comments from everyone you know!
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