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[Surname] Re: Meaning of the surname: RINE
Rine should be british, but i didn' find in my dictionary of surnames.
Is it a local variant of surnames like RYAN or other similar names?
In the site of Ellis Island ( I have found an italian immigrant called RINE, from Sicily: probably a wrong spelling of an italian surname RINI that come from the hypocoristic of first names like PIERO or SALVATORE , Pierino and Salvatorino that is RINO.
But in some cases in Norther Italy Rini is a locative surname coming
from the word "rin" that means torrent.
But Rine could be also a Dutch surname, very rare now in Holland

And the surname RINE existed also in Italy, in a little valley called
VALLE PELLICE, near TORINO (Turin), this more or less untill 1848.
(see the Mormon Site: That valley was habitated by protestants persecuted by the Duke of Savoy.
Did those families RINE leave? and went to America.
Impossible to know. Now there are not any Rine in Val Pellice.
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