[Opinions] WWYN Triplets
You've just given birth to Triplets, What are you going to call them?
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All Girls:
Dahlia Juliette, Matilda Elise, and Alice Caroline "Dolly, Tilly, And Ali"All Boys:
Oliver Jude, Arthur Barnaby, Rafferty Sean "Olly, Teddy, and Raffy"2 Girls One Boy:
Oliver Jude, Dahlia Elise, and Alice Caroline "Olly, Dolly, and Ali"2 Boys One Girl:
Dahlia Elise, Arthur Barnaby, and Oliver Jude "Dolly, Teddy, and Olly"
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Boys- Loki Axel, Levi Alexander and Liam Andrew.
Girls- Arabella Noelle, Amberleigh Nicolette, Aurora Natia.
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Xanthe Opal Esther
Sonnet Lucy Eloise
Afton Sylvie DelphineGrover Felix Matthias
Ezra Levi Ignatius
Zimri Noah VeritasCombination: the above in order
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G-G-G: Genevieve Audrey, Shayna Rhiannon, Cobain Alexandria/AlexandraB-B-B: Asher Brendan, Jude William, Christopher PatrickMixed: any of the combos given above
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I'm just going to do first names :)G/G/G: Arianna, Opal, and ElodieB/B/B: Arlo, Jack, and LukeG/G/B: Thalia, Ramona, and JackB/B/G: Arlo, Orson, and Isla
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Today:G/G/G: Eleanor, Susanna, LouisaB/B/B: Leo, Oliver, AdrianG/G/B: Eleanor, Louisa, LeoB/B/G: Leo, Oliver, Eleanor
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Love Leo, Oliver and Eleanor! Leo, Oliver and Adrian make a nice set too. :)
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Lucy Margaret Alice is fun and I'm kind of liking the "s" and "z" play going on in Sally Esme Suzanne. William Edward Fraser is handsome. Ian Richard Hedley sounds like he should have "Sir" in front of his name. :)
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Ian Richard Hedley is a triple tribute! DH had two Ian friends who died too young of cancer, one of them with the ln Hedley (not Hadley, but close!) and I've always enjoyed Richard but can't use it with our ln; hence the mn position. Well spotted, O fellow cricket fan!
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Oh, I'm enjoying the alliteration in Tess Teodora. Arthur Lucian is my fave here. :)
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I spell it Clarice Winter, but I like this too; lovely imagery. Theo Alexander and Malachi Evren are nice too. :)
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Isis Liora is lovely. Isis is only list for future daughters.
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These are nice. I would prefer Emeline to Emaline, but that's a tiny nit-pick. Your boys are quite dashing. :)
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Those girls' names are beautiful! Just as a point of interest, my sister was going to be Genevieve Grace, but my parents decided on Genevieve Victoria. I think I like Genevieve Grace better!
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Emmeline Willow is lovely. And I was just thinking about having a son named Rex, lol. Rex Forrest to be exact. Genevieve, along with Emmeline and Willow, is on my list for middle names.
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Oooo your boys names are great.... you had me at Rex Morgan :)
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1st boy: Andrew
1st girl: Elizabeth "Lizzie"
2nd boy: Matthew "Matt"
2nd girl: Megan
3rd boy: William "Will"
3rd girl: Carly
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I enjoy Andrew, Elizabeth, Matthew and William. Will is my favorite nickname to William, too. :)
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3 girls:
Matilda True
Rosemary Winter
Hazel Faith3 Boys:
Cormac Piper
Jasper Noble
Ezra Gray or Everett Gray3 mixed gender = any combination of the above names
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Love Jasper Noble and I like Matilda True and Ezra Gray as well. :)
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Matilda True is an interesting combo. Rosemary Winter is stunning. Jasper Noble is good as well. And I know someone who just named their son Ezra.
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I love your boys names together.
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Just now?
Jocelyn Christa Michiko (Jocelyn)
Kendra Jolene Mikiko (Kendra-Jo)
Jasmine Charleen (hard ch) Miyuki (Miyuki)
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Jocelyn Christa Michiko has a nice look and flow, I think. Miyuki is my fave of your Japanese names, I think. :)
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Miyuki's def. my fave girls' name... That's why it's in a combo where I'd be using the mn/Jpns. name rather than one of the others.
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Dystyny Hoppe
Kaiydinz Graycce
Beyyonce Fayyth
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Lol! Oh dear!
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lol...Kaiydinz needs more y.
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You're right. Make that Kaiydynz.
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very funny....no but seriously, gross, lol
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These are a bit "big" or exotic for me, but I have to say Felix Ludwig Berengar is quite cool. :)
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TODAY? 3 girls:
Greta Leigh December
Sylvie Charles* Elowen
Edith Holly AnoukGreta, Sylvie, Edith3 boys:
Abram Leander John*
Calix Buddy* Orion
Monroe Zev AurelienAbram, Calix, Monroe (maybe Bram, Cal and Monte)2 boys 1 girl:
Abram Leander John*
Calix Buddy* Orion
Michelangela Robyn* IoAbram, Calix, Michelangela (maybe Bram, Cal and Mikey/Annie)2 girls 1 boy:
Freya Beverly* Noelle
Gwenith Ivory Jane*
Abram Leander John*Freya, Gwenith, Abram (or Freya, Gwen and Bram)
(eta - middle names. "*" are direct honoring names and many of the others have other connections)

This message was edited 3/6/2012, 8:03 PM

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Abram Leander John and Gwenith Ivory Jane are my faves here. :)
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Oh, how lovely. If I were to quibble, Beatrice isn't a fave, but she's nicely paired with Sylvie. I'd be so pleased to meet either set. :)
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Henry Theodore is nice, and Alice Georgina flows lovely.
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(all f) Azilis Vanou, Bleuenn Soizic, Klervi Anais
(all m) Mircea, Attila & Viorel
(2m 1f) George Charles, Henry Arthur and Frances Christina
(2f 1m) Isra, Marwa and Basim
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George Charles, Henry Arthur and Frances Christina make a lovely, classic set. :)
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More on Azilis Vanou, Bleuenn Soizic and Klervi, please?love Attila & Viorel, Isra and Basim
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They're Breton :)
Azilis = form of Adelaide
Bleuenn = cognate of Blodwen
Soizic = Breton short form of Francoise
not sure about the others!
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Dexter Elijah Thomas, Archer Maxwell Jude, & Theodore Nolan Grey.Iris Juliet Maeve, Esmee Pandora Wren, & Seraphina Camille Briar.
I'm not sure if I would use Dexter and Archer together but they are my top two favorite boy names right now!
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Those combos look familiar...are you on nameberry?
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Yeah I am!
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Theodore Nolan Grey is gorgeous! I also like Archer Maxwell Jude and Iris Juliet Maeve. :)
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Love Sebastian! Also like Josephine, Gabriel and Emanuel. :)
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Nice choices; Emilia Juliet is my fave here. :)
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Today they would be:Penelope Rose Harriet "Nella"
Edith Eleanor Clara "Edie"
Susannah Spring Marsaili "Sunny"Finn Peter Augustus
Oliver Mile Columba "Ollie"
Theodore Somerled James "Theo" / Dexter Nicholas Robert "Dex"Mix and match the above for various triplet combinations
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Susannah Spring Marsaili is so wavy and sing-songy that it's really fun to say! Not the mention the nn Sunny (which I LOVE) fits in just perfectly
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I quite like Penelope Rose Harriet and Theodore Somerled James. :)
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I use Penelope and Susanna(h) 'Sunny' for mine too, great names ;)I also like...Nella
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All nice, solid names. I think I favor Nathaniel Isaiah. :)
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Colette Cordula
Ingrid Lucy
Robin Wesleyidek right now, I haven't thought about names in a while. Those are just jumping out at me.
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Robin Wesley is awesome! I might have to add that one to my own long list :) Robyn is my mom's name and Wesley is a serious favorite.Ingrid Lucy is really bouncy and fun. Lucy really livens up Ingrid, which is usually pretty heavy in my opinion
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Robin Wesley is my fave here. :)
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I love the alliteration of Colette Cordula! And Ingrid Lucy is so sweet...Lucy really balances out the hard sounds in Ingrid.
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That's hard! I haven't really had any name ideas since my fiance and I picked out our children's names. Maybe we should have picked three for each gender instead of two. :)Hm...
Ursula Ingrid, Eulalie Dominica and Perpetua Sunhi.G/G/B:
Ursula Ingrid, Eulalie Dominica and Alasdair Joseph.G/B/B:
Ursula Ingrid, Alasdair Joseph and Galen Matthias.B/B/B:
Alasdair Joseph, Galen Matthias and Ulysses Adam.

This message was edited 3/6/2012, 12:51 PM

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Ursula Ingrid is perfect.
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Thank you!:)
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EEEGADS! and GASP! Ursula, Eulalie and Alasdair?!?! Ursula, Alasdair and Galen?!?! Alasdair, Galen and Ulysses?!?! You're totally blowing my mind right now - I could die happy meeting a bunch of siblings with these names
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Considering those are the actual names we've decided on, excluding Ulysses, I am so pleased someone likes them!Thank you!
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Lydia Rosemary, Cecily Delphine, and Eloise VivienneLydia Rosemary, Cecily Delphine, and Rupert TheodoreLydia Rosemary, Rupert Theodore, and Arthur FrederickRupert Theodore, Arthur Frederick, and Henry George
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These are all quite nice. The only name I'm not really a fan of is Cecily, but she is well-paired with Delphine. I'll save a slot on my dance card for Arthur Frederick. :)
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Lydia is one of my all time favorites.
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Persephone Dawn and Hermione are on my list.
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I really like Tristram Hugo! Your same-sex sets work beautifully together

This message was edited 3/6/2012, 7:53 PM

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Howard! Rarely see love for him here and Howard Ross is a handsome combo. I also like Jasper Reid, Sterling Nigel, Luna Verity and I love Malcolm Fyfe! :)
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Oh, you have wonderful combos. I especially like Luna Verity and Artemis Belle.
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new combos GGG: Eulalie Hero Ludivine / Tegan Odessa Radiance / Glow Exuperantia Nimue
GGB: Tirzah Larkin Zephyra / Reverie Eluned Mireio / Sparrow Jonas Nocturne
GBB: Rosalie Carys Obedience / Morgan Phrixus Infinity / Lucian Isidore Honor
BBB: Sparrow Jonas Nocturne / Mordecai Zia Storm / Ari Haven Nekoda (ok those aren't new but i'm out of time and ideas):x Apparently my taste is particularly dramatic this month
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Oh Em Gee!! Reverie is SOOOOOO awesome!! Had never considered that one before, thanks!
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Reverie Eluned Mireio is the stand out for me...it is just superb!Sparrow Jonas Nocturne is so awesome although a little vampire-esque. I adore the sound of Rosalie Carys Obedience but I can't get behind the concept of obedience as a name. Lucian Isidore Honor is so badass.
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Obedience just happens to have two sounds I am really into lately (O and -ence). I can't imagine I'd ever really use it, but I really like playing with it.I had Reverie Eluned on my working combo list and just tossed Mireio on for this thread. Glad it worked :)
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I like:
Rosalie Carys
Morgan Phrixus Infinity
Lucian Isidore
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Your style is very different from mine, but I like Zephyra, Sparrow, Jonas, Rosalie, Carys, Lucian, Isidore and Storm. :)
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Love Eulalie, Carys and Jonas. Especially love Morgan on a boy!
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hooray for Hero! All your combos are supergreat.I love the sound and look of Obedience as a name but I don't like the idea of it, like it seems really opressive and kinda mean. Does it have some other meaning to you? Maybe I'm just not looking at it the right way.
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No extra meaning. I probably wouldn't use Obedience in real life but right now I am really loving O's (which also explains Odessa) and -ence names (Radiance and Clemence are new to my list recently). Like if I could find a name that O---ence but didn't have the same meaning I'd probably fall madly in love with it.

This message was edited 3/6/2012, 2:25 PM

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Ohh I see....Opulence??
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Opalescence ?
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ooo maybe. Probably just about as unusable because if you google it, you get a bunch of teeth whitening programs, but definitely something I can play with. I'm adding it to my list.

This message was edited 3/6/2012, 2:30 PM

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what about Opulence?Youmight like this site http://www.wordbyletter.com/

This message was edited 3/6/2012, 4:09 PM

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LOL, yeah I don't think there is an actual usable name that fits your criteria.
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I get what you mean, but we'd all be holding our breath at every stop light without obedience. Choosing to obey when it's for the good of everyone involved is a positive.It's not something I usually talk about, but I was told to slow down one time years ago. I was driving in a neighborhood with a marked speed limit of 30 MPH, but I knew there were often kids playing there. When I was told to slow down (and there's no other way I have to describe this, I was just told), I looked at my speedometer and saw that I was only doing 22 MPH. I took my foot out of the gas anyway, and I didn't hit the little boy who came flying out on a skateboard from behind a toy trailer parked on the right hand side. If I hadn't obeyed, blindly, I probably wouldn't have been able to stop. Scared us both white as sheets, but I didn't hit him.
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Yeah, I was thinking more along the lines of the "shut up and don't ask questions" flavour of obedience...that's what the name puts me in mind of.
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Isaac James is on my list, and I love Benjamin Arthur. Alice is lovely. And I met a woman named Keturah.
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Very nice selections, but Benjamin Arthur and Susannah Margaret are standouts here, for me. Keturah has never drawn me, but I do think she's nice next to Alice and I enjoy the alliteration of Mary Michaela. :)
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I really love Alice Keturah and I don't usually care for Alice.
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My heart just leapt for joy at Jasper Elliot! As recently discussed, Artemis Jane is downright cool. :)
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Artemis Jane is really beautiful and unexpected.
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Here's what I'd name triplets if I wasn't bound by language restrictions (I have basically no favorites right now that work in real life here).B/B/B:
Johannes Ludwig
Franz Anselm
Sven Halvar
Johannes Ludwig
Franz Anselm
Ulrike Mechthild
Johannes Ludwig
Ulrike Mechthild
Emily Isolde "Isolde"
Ulrike Mechthild
Emily Isolde "Isolde"
Katarina Elise
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I dunno, first-name-wise the only one of these that's probably Actually difficult is Ulrike
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Ulrike Mechthild is glorious.
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It is!
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I think your names are quite nice, especially Franz Anselm, Sven Halvar, Emily Isolde and Katarina Elise. You must have incredibly strict rules to follow.
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Well, the problem is that I'm in the USA and not at all German or Scandinavian, so some of the names would be a little weird IRL.
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I really love Emily Isolde and Katarina Elise.
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I love Rosa (and Rosana), Lucine and Willoughby
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I enjoy the flow of Rosana Kathryn Hazel and Seth William Oliver is nice too. Not many here seem to like Seth, sadly. :)
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I like all your boys' combos, especially together they really gel.
The girls don't work as well together, but I like the Rosana combo.
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I think that the sibset nn's are really cute. Maia, Rosa, Lina and Aidan, Seth, Will.
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Something different than my usual combos. Pandora Wren
Isola Cait
Sonnet EverildOrion Valo
Somerled Frost
Hawthorne Rune
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Sonnet Everild is magical and fairy-like, I love it. Somerled Frost is hard for me to wrap my head around. I want to like it but, summer...frost... I can't reconcile the two in my mind. I do really LOVE the idea of Frost and fully support its use as a name, though :)
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Love Isola and Orion.
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I like Sonnet Everild and Isola Cait. :)
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I like Pandora, Wren, Sonnet, and Rune!
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I think that I could really like Pandora Wren and Isola Cait is very nice indeed.
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Leonie Emilia
Nora Linnea
Fiona AileenBoys:
Noah Kieran
Lukas Griffin
Luca Connor

This message was edited 3/6/2012, 1:40 PM

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I like Fiona Aileen and Lukas Griffin. :)
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I like Luca Connor and Nora Linnea
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I really like Nora Linnea but I feel that Lukas and Luca are too similar for a sibset imo.
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Johanna Miriam is lovely and I imagine Thomas Henry would be a heart breaker. Benjamin, Thomas and Rupert make a handsome set. :)
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I like Calliope Astrid and Ruper amadeus
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Benjamin Jude and Johanna Miriam are gorgeous!
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I likeBenjamin Jude - I often consider this combo myself and prefer Benjamin without a nnThomas Henry - also prefer Thomas without a nnRupert - though not a fan of Amadeus. And i like Rupert in theory, but I once met a Rupert and found it quiet laughable that his name was Rupert and how posh it was so probably wouldn't ever use it myselfSofia Magdalen - this spelling of Sofia only
Astrid - its really growing on me
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Benjamin Jude is a combo SO and I agree on. We're at loss for a girl. SO likes the NN Ben. I might would use it, but I'd more likely call him Benjamin.I also prefer Thomas without a NN.I've never met a Rupert. It's a new GP for me. I don't know if I could ever name a child Rupert. I really like the way it looks, though. I love Amadeus and if SO would jump on the bandwagon I'd use it as a MN in a heartbeat.I only like the spelling Sofia as well. SO says regardless of spelling the name seems 'too foreign', which strikes me as odd because I've known a lot of Sophias and Sophia is currently the secon most popular given name in my country. *shrugs*I've always loved Astrid but everyone else seems to loathe it. :(
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Well...if I was going matchy, matchy(which I tend to do) it would be:Tamsin Joyce, Thalia Jane, and Tempest Jeane
Jonah Peyton, Jethro Parker, and Jarrod PaceyorAmelia Jaqueline Maeve
Arabella Madelin Shea
Allegra Lilian PaigeLucas Morgan Drake
Liam Duncan Joss
Logan Jackson MilesIf it was not matchy, matchy it would be:Josephine Scarlet, Marilla Arwen, and Abigail Lennox
Elliott Wilder, Kiefer Grayson, and Corbin BeaumontIf it was a mixture of genders it would be:Elliott Wilder, Kiefer Grayson, and Marilla Arwen
Marilla Arwen, Josephine Scarlet, and Elliott Wilder
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Allegra Lillian Paige is beautiful!
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Thanks...I thought so too!
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I love Thalia Jane, Allegra, Liam, and Lucas. I also like Jethro, Maeve, and Morgan on a boy.
I've always had a soft spot for Tempest.I don't really like matchy stuff. I overall love the non-matchy combos, even though I don't like a lot of the names individually.
I like Josephine, Scarlet, Lennox, Elliot, and Grayson.My favorite combos overall are Thalia Jane, Josephine Scarlet, and Elliott Wilder.
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I have a soft spot for Tempest as well. IRL I don't think I will ever get to use it but I love it.
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Love Tamsin, Tempest and Thalia (not the middle names so much).I like Kiefer Grayson and Corbin from your other list.
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Thanks, I have a soft spot for the three T's!
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I like Thalia Jane and Tempest. Kind of like Tamsin too I guess, just maybe not all together for meI really like Amelia Maeve and Allegra Lilian. I see the appeal of Arabella, but it just doesn't do it for meLucas Morgan is very handsome
I also like Liam and Logan
i love Scarlet with 1 T and I like Grayson. Elliot is kinda growing on me
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Arabella is is gorgeous imo but not something that I could use IRL.
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Love Elliott Wilder! Thalia Jane and Tamsin Joyce are both lovely and I think Corbin Beaumont could grow on me. :)
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I really think that my next child if a boy is going to be Elliott Wilder it is my biggest crush!
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Just first names today ...Girls:
Irmelin & Mirjam & OfeliaBoys:
Florian & Sindre & Vendel
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Irmelin is so pretty! :-)
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I love Florian on a boy!
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The only one I don't like is Irmelin, and Florian isn't really a favorite either but it's OK.
I would prefer them spelled Miriam and Ophelia though. And maybe Sindri instead of Sindre. Maybe.
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I used to prefer Ophelia, but now I always go for the simplest and most logical spelling. I think I've studied too much linguistics and want the spelling as true to the phonetics as possible. ;) Sindri is nice too but harder to say.
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I love Florian :)
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I love Florian :)
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Mirjam and Florian are my favorites here. :)
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Magnus James 'Jim'
Henry Malcolm 'Hal'
Aneurin Thomas 'Nye'(I really like short, one syllable nn atm)Rose Frances 'Rosy'
Minerva Alice 'Mina'
Flora Clementine
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Cheers of approval all round. Great sets.
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I love Minerva Alice
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I think that all your boys sets are gorgeous!
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Magnus James - I like Magnus but i feel its too heavy to give to a real child. Love James not keen on JimHenry Malcolm - gorgeous, though i dislike Hal, much prefer Harry or even HankAneurin Thomas - looks out of place with Magnus and Henry. Like Thomas though. Nye looks sci-fi esqueRose Frances - I like Rose and Rosy, but I hate Frances on a girlMinerva Alice - I like Mina and Alice. I always have to check how to spell Minerva no matter how many times i type itFlora Clementine - beautifulHenry Malcolm and Flora Clementine would be a delightful sibset
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Henry Malcolm is my favorite of your boys but I really like Magnus James too. Of your girls, Rose Frances is my favorite, followed by Flora Clementine. "Mina" makes a sweet nickname for Minerva Alice. :)
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Jim, Hal and Nye! PERFECTO.
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"Romy Azure" is enchanting and Ansel Pierce is really handsome!
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I really adore the Elinor spelling. I also like Ira, Enzo, Simon and Briony.
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Flannery Joanna - I like Flannery but am not brave enough to use itBriony Greer - Love Briony though much prefer Bryony. Greer is really growing on me and compliments Briony wellEva Antonina - Eva bores me a little i'm afraid. I like Nina, but prefer Antonia and some may find it weird for an Eva being called NinaElinor Dorothea - ooo I like Edie :) Would prefer Eleanore DorotheaRosamond Azure - not my style, though I kind of like Romy, nice change to Rose nnsIra Mathis - not my style, though I like MathisSimon Enzo - Like Simon alot, but Enzo looks and sounds so ugly to meGeorgiana Yael - Love Georgiana. Yael looks nice but i dislike itAnsel Pierce - very handsome, especially Ansel
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I forgot all about Enzo. There was a character by that name in "The Big Blue". I think Ira Mathis and Ansel Pierce are very handsome. :)
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Flannery, Briony and Eva are too much fun! What the heck, so is Ira, Ansel and Enzo. I love how they tumble over each other like a stream of words.
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Frida, Beth, and MarigoldArthur, Wallace and Leopold Wilma, Rex and Casper Ruby, Reginald and BlancheI'm not into middle names today, I feel like that's my wiggle room. I am a bit repulsed by my own style right now although most of the names are meaningful. Blah.
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Wilma, Rex and Casper sound like a group of boxcar children/nancy drew/hardy boys characters :)I loooove Marigold! For girls I'd pick Frida, Ruby, and Marigold for boys, Rex, Casper and Leo(pold)
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Wilma, Rex and Casper is just the bestest.
And gah I totally forgot how much I love Reginald, he'll have to wait until I have another set of triplets :D
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I like:
Frida (have tons of friends names this though)
Leopold (even my mom thinks it's a nice name!)
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Really like Frida, Arthur, Leopold, Casper and Blanche. :)
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I love meaningful names so don't blah them...lol. I really adore Caspar too!
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I really likeFrida and Beth - though would prefer Freida - Marigold is nice too just maybe too much for the first name spotLove Arthur, Wallace and Leopold - what a darling bunch of young gentlemenThe others aren't really my taste apart from maybe Reginald nn Reggie
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Well, despite how you are feeling about them, Arthur, Wallace & Leopold made me smile. Then I saw Wilma, Rex & Casper and my smile bumped my ears. I may have to send a bill. :)
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I'm glad they made you smile. Wilma, Rex and Casper do sound like a lot of fun, don't they.
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OMG Ruby, Reginald and Blanche are totally southern royalty; so are Arthur, Wallace, and Leopold. So great, love it.
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The names in my sig. Those are the names I would use in real life. But there are many I like in theory. Like these:Girls:
Cara, Nika and Jorja
Genevieve, Louisa and OpheliaBoys:
Alec, Ned and Jules
Cary, Darcy and Rémy
Benedict, Matteus and Solomon
Guillaume, Étienne and Isidore
Loïc, Noël and Marc
Forest, Rufus and and Somerled
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Forest, Rufus and Somerled are so earthy and rough-and-tumble! I'm not even normally a fan of Forest or Rufus but I love the "all seasons" vibe I'm getting from these 3 together.Cara, Nika, and Jorja are cool too - they're all black patent leather :)

This message was edited 3/6/2012, 7:30 PM

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I like Jorja and Benedict and I think that Noel is lovely on a boy.
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aw Alec, Ned and Jules! Adorkable.
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I'd have to get a photo and autographs if I met brothers named Forest, Rufus and Somerled! :)
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I like:Cara
Darcy - Love on a boy
Benedict - love it
Rufus - my favourite boy name :)
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oooo Raphael Christian.... *SWOON* :)
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Thomas Allan and Julian Michael are both very nice.
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Awww...Margaret Mae...love.
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Well, My is an actual name in Sweden ... ;)I like:
Judith Cecilia
Miriam - love!
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Judith Cecilia, Margaret Mae & Thomas Allan is my favorite; you even spell Allan the same way I do...love him!
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I'm so glad you clearly love Judith! It's one of my favorite names -- refined, staid, strongly feminine. Also, Judith Cecilia is beautiful.
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I likeJudith
Miriam and Mae but too close together especially since i'd probably nn Miriam Mimi
Katarina Helen - love thisThomas
Julian Michael - very handsome
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Too lazy for MN's.Noah, Oliver & Alexander
Alice, Lovis & Aurora
Alice, Noah & Alexander
Alice, Lovis & Noah
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Love Aurora, Alice and Oliver. They are on my list.
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I'm especially fond of Alice, Aurora and Alexander, but I like all names. Prefer Lovisa and Noak to Lovis and Noah though.
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Love, love, love the set Noah, Oliver, and Alexander. Also really adore Aurora.
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Noah, Oliver and Alexander make a very handsome set. :)
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I like Oliver, Alexander and Aurora :)
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Cordelia is at the top of my list for future baby girls. ;) Love Iris Emmeline. Rufus is nice, and I love Benjamin. Helena is lovely, and Daffodil is a neat middle name.
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Aw, Patience, Milly and Iris are really sweet together! They're somehow awkwardly mismatched but a beautiful trio of best friends, nonetheless.
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I like Primrose, Iris, Freya, and Benjamin.
Although I don't like the names individually, I like the way Nathaniel Archibald and Millicent Cordelia Primrose sound.
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Millicent Cordelia Primrose is my favorite of your girls; I like each of those names and they flow nicely together. Your boys are all handsome and compliment one another. :)
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I absolutely adore Susanna Elisabeth "Susie / Sunny". I like Alexander John as well.
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Yay, someone else likes Kenneth! James Kenneth is very handsome and I love Susanna Caroline. :)
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Aw I love Sunny for Susanna. and Sunny, Nell and Louie/Lula is adorable.
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I really likeSusanna Elisabeth nn Sunny Penelope Katharine nn Nell - thouugh I prefer KatherineLouisa no nicknameAlexander nn Alec, though I prefer Xander
James Kenneth - Kenneth really suits James
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I really like Alexander and Penelope :)

This message was edited 3/6/2012, 7:52 AM

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Love Desmond, Henry, Leo and Charles. Eve Rosemarie is gorgeous, love Penelope Ione, and I have Cordelia on my list for future daughters!
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I really love Abel Henry! I also like Penelope and Charlotte.
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Desmond John and Eve Rosemarie are very nice. :)
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Desmond John is so handsome. I also like Abel Henry though wouldn't use Abel myself. Leo is growing on me alot since watching The Vow, though Charles is yet to grow on meI also like Penelope Ione and Cordelia Charlotte
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Honestly, I'm not crazy about Charles either but it's honoring my dad.
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I like...John
Rosemarie- my grandmother's name :)
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