[Opinions] Hallelujah!
okay so in all seriousness WDYT of Hallelujah nn Lulu for a girl? I know its crazy over-the-top but play along with me for a second.
*Keep in mind I'm not actually going to name a child this :)
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Cloris Leachman has a granddaughter with this name.So it's not too out there. :-D I don't like it, though. It's a mouthful and Lulu has always sounded incredibly silly to me.
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This is an elderly memory and not really worth checking, but I'm sure that Dorothy L Sayers used Hallelujah as the given name of a charismatic West Indian church minister who was, I think, wrongfully accused of something until Lord Peter came along and sorted things out, to the benefit of the gentleman, his wife (?) and "all the little Hallelujahs".
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Unnatural Death. :)
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High five! Thanks
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Hey! This is one of my favorite GP girls names! I don't know if I would do Lulu, but Halle, JaJa (yah-yah) or Lelu (lay-lou or lee-lou) might be good choices for my little Hallelujah.Thank you for sharing, I almost forgot her for a while!!! :-)
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I don't mind it as a GP at all! Goes well with one I love: Hosanna. :) And if I didn't have such a level-headed husband, I might actually consider Hosanna for a real child. So yeah, Hallelujah is nice. Personally I despise Lulu, so I'd go with Lujah. Lujah and Sanna. :)
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It reminds me of the Russian last name Alliluyeva. Nadezhda Alliluyueva was Stalin's second wife. I think it should stay on the GP list.
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I wouldn't do it... It would take a very unique child to manage to live with that as a name... and I wouldn't want to be stuck w/ Lulu as a nn... for anything.
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I love it! I don't know why because overly religious names are not for me and Lulu is such a silly name but when I see them together like that I love it. It's fun and happy and crazy. :D
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Haha that would be tons of fun. I would love to meet a Hallelujah nn Lulu.
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Hmmm, I actually don't see why this wouldn't catch on in some evangelical circles... Hosanna and Jubilee are popular enough there already...It's super OTT buuuut I like it with the nn Hallie. Maybe a new GP? Not quite ready to commit to that one yet! ;)
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Way totally fun. Love it.
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I kinda think Alleluia is a bit prettier, but Hallelujah is way funnier. And suits Lulu better.THUMBS UP as long as I don't have to go to church
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I actually like the way Alleluia looks on paper! I'd never use it in real life, but it could be a GP. Maybe with the nn Allie?
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