[Opinions] Re: Pipsan
in reply to a message by gail
I agree with Malin, I think it's a Swedish nickname. I'm pretty sure Eliel (who whole name was Gottlieb Eliel Saarinen, wow) was Swedish-speaking Finn. Although I don't know how Eva-Lisa became Pipsan, but then nicknames don't have to make sense. Pipsan definitely isn't common here.
I think Pipsan is very youthful - I imagine a very lively 5-year-old little girl wearing yellow dress. :) I can't really see it as a full name. What about Phillipa? It's still very close to Philippa, but different spelling at least.
I think Pipsan is very youthful - I imagine a very lively 5-year-old little girl wearing yellow dress. :) I can't really see it as a full name. What about Phillipa? It's still very close to Philippa, but different spelling at least.