[Opinions] Willow
What do you think of Willow for a girl? Is it too trendy or celeb trendy? Do you think it will get really common? Could you see it in the top 100 (US)?I love Meadow and fell in love with Willow because of the sound and image. They are among my favorite trees.Would Meadow and Willow be too much for sisters? At the moment I definitely would want to use Meadow.Opinions? Have you met any?Oh and if you had to choose: Meadow or Willow and why?

This message was edited 4/20/2012, 8:23 AM

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I love Willow. My next daughter will be named this.
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I love Willow! It went through a bit of a trendy phase, but I don't think it was too bad. Plus the wispy, whimsical nature vibe I get from is enough to counteract any possible trendiness in my mind. Willow makes me think of whispery forests and a light green color like trees seen through a mist.
Meadow is cute, but I wouldn't use it. It's very bright and clear and happy while Willow is more calm and ethereal, which is more my style.. so if I had to use one I'd definitely use Willow.
Meadow and Willow are a bit too similar for sisters. They're both 2-syllable nature names ending in "ow". They'd be cute as middle names for sisters, but as first names they're too matchy.
I haven't met anyone named Meadow or Willow, although I've heard of one or two Willows (in contexts like "we were in [town] and so-and-so's sister Willow met us there bla bla bla"), but never any Meadows.
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I love Willow! I can def. see it int he top 100 in a few years. I wouldn't use Meadow and Willow too, that's just too much. I haven't met any, but I live in Sweden so that doesn't mean much.
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What do I think of Willow: very flighty sounding.
Trendy/Cele-trendy: Yup
Will it get common: I imagine so
Top 100: I was quite surprised that it wasn't. It feels very top 100 to me.
Meadow & Willow as sisters: yup, too much for realy life sisters...although for a children's story it'd be cute.
Met any: 1. She's almost 2 years old.
Meadow or Willow: Willow. Meadow sounds like a nice milking cow. :) Sorry!
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I've loved Meadow for years. Apart from the obvious lovely imagery of a meadow, it has a soothing, mellow sound. The "m" and "d" sound give it depth, at least to my ears. (Odd, I know.)With Willow, I couldn't keep "weeping willow" out of my mind. But with effort I managed it and could evaluate Willow on its own merits. I've come to love it for its ethereal, wispy quality. Unfortunately, Meadow and Willow would be too much as sisters. The similarity in sound only exacerbates the in-your-face-nature-but-not-frilly-flower-theme. Of the two, I'd definitely stick with Meadow. It feels more timeless and I think it will age better. Have you "pond"ered any mns yet? :-)
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hahaha I've tried to find a middle name for it for quite some time but haven't found a combo I really like. Meadow Amandine and Meadow Adeline are combos I kind of like but I don't love them. Meadow Quinn is one I thought of this morning.I love Meadow, I think it's so calm. It just calms you down in a way peppermint tea does :P Haha I'm weird but Meadow makes me think of the color green and of peppermint and it's really soothing.
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Yes, or dandelion tea? The meadows in my neighborhood are choking with dandelions. :-PMeadow Adeline is adorable. It's definitely my favorite from your list. I love Amandine in theory; I just can't get almonds out of my mind. When combined with Meadow I picture a meadow of almonds. That's not a bad reference at all, but it is distracting to me. Meadow Quinn comes out as "Meadow Queen" in my brain. Seeing no opposition to throwing random combinations at you, I submit the following for your consideration:Meadow Cathleen / Catriona / Katrina
Meadow Audrey
Meadow Elsa (Elsa Meadow is a stock combo of mine that I love)
Meadow Julia
Meadow Carys
Meadow Sylvie (meadow + forest, subtly)
Meadow Leontine (sort of like Amandine, but with lions)
Meadow Glynis
Meadow Anouk
Meadow Celeste (or is that too Celestial Tea-ish?) / Celestine (yikes! even more so?)(Must dash)
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Ohhh I like Meadow Audrey. For some reason I always want to pair it with an A-name. Au-names make me think of autumn and I like the image I get from them. Did you know that Elsa is a family name? :P It's one of my middle names and my mom's and grandma's and great grandma's name! I think I might use it someday but at the moment it doesn't really appeal to me, I don't know why. Meadow Anouk is really cute too :) Thanks!Oh dandelion tea! I think I'll make myself some tea now!
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I think Willow is much nicer than Meadow and I think they're matchy and rhymey together.
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I used to like Willow a lot, then it just began to seem a bit silly to me, like something you might name a kitten. I can see it getting more popular, but probably not in the top 100. Medow and Willow are too much as sisters, together they sound like a pair of happy dairy cows in a picture book, lacking only Clover or Daisy.
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