[Opinions] Mackenzie for a girl
Mackenzie is my favourite name for a girl, and I'm planning on having children soon within the next year, so Mackenzie is my favourite name for a girl (I have my boy names picked out) and it sounds so cute, my boyfriend is happy with that, bug my friends are all like no that's for a boy it isn't their choice really, but what if they're right? Does Mackenzie sound good for a girl? xx
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I realize that Mackenzie is currently in fashion as a girl's name. But the "Mc/Mac" part will always say, "son of" to me. It would be like naming a dd "Kennethson." I don't suppose I could interest you in Mallory or Kinsella instead?
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People name their daughters Alison. No one seems to think that's too masculine.
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True, but Alison is a diminutive of Alice. Admittedly the "-son" is in there, but it's pretty obvious that it is a variant of Alice. McKenzie (or other spelling variants), on the other hand feels very different, at least to me.
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Yes, and they name their daughters Andrea which means 'man'. 'Son of' isn't even a bad meaning. It might not fit a girl but people name their blonde daughters Melanie so I don't see the problem.
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AgreedI have no problem with odd meanings to names. I suggested Mallory to Renesmee which (I think) comes from the French word for "unhappy." (I thought I would get jumped on for that.) I've gleefully suggested names to people that mean "crooked nose, "lame" or "gray haired battle maiden." (actually that last one is pretty cool.)It's the tell-tale signs like "Mc/Mac" that bother me, personally. If it doesn't bother Renesmee, then fine.

This message was edited 4/25/2012, 4:06 PM

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Thanks for your suggestions! Really! I'm in love with the name Malory, thank you bear :)
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Most welcome! :-)
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I agree with you, but I think we might be in the minority. Oh, well. :)
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I only like it spelled McKenzie. Makenzie is ok. I don't like Mackenzie because the -ck- in it looks so harsh.
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I know what you mean with the ck but MAKenzie looks strange, thank you for suggesting Mckenzie, it helped :)
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I like it.Everyone says it's a boy name, but I work at a high school, and the only Mackenzies I see are girls. I never thought the sound of the name was super-masculine anyway, so it's all good. Go for it.
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I hate Mackenzie on a girl. It's a surname that does not make a pretty name for a girl and I just don't get this surname-on-girls craze. I hope that it will go away in time, time meaning thirty years or so, because that's about how long it takes for names to lose popularity. It would be great if it were sooner, but I don't expect that. Some day the country will be full of old ladies named Mackenzie, Bailey, Addison, Madison, Cameron, Parker, and the like, and young people will say, "Ew old lady name, that was my grandmother's name" and I can't wait for that day to come, even though I will be dead.
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It may have originally been a surname, and surnames did tend to be used as first names mainly on boys.But Mackenzie never caught on as a boy's name. And I am willing to bet money I don't even have that your friends that are insisting the name is a boy's name do not know more than one male Mackenzie between them, while they probably know tons of female ones.
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