[Opinions] quints and sextuplets from tv
I just got done watching two shows about the Denny quintuplets and the Dilley Sextuplets, who we've all heard about.
The Denny's are still young, 3 boys and 2 girls, with two previous daughters.
DH: Steven
DW: Lyndsey
Brianna (guess at spelling of this but pronouced Bre-ahna) -9 possibly
Taylor -6 possibly
Alexis Dianna
Joshua Stanley
Anthony Frank
Julian Matthew
Jiliana Hattie
Dilly's who are now 12
DH: Keith
DW: Becki
The names are nice by themselves but the 4 boys names bother me because they all end the same, what do you think?!
Proud Auntie to: Robert Joseph and Brady Lovander, Juliana Mae and Sophia Lee, Graham Joseph, and soon to be one more!
The Denny's are still young, 3 boys and 2 girls, with two previous daughters.
DH: Steven
DW: Lyndsey
Brianna (guess at spelling of this but pronouced Bre-ahna) -9 possibly
Taylor -6 possibly
Alexis Dianna
Joshua Stanley
Anthony Frank
Julian Matthew
Jiliana Hattie
Dilly's who are now 12
DH: Keith
DW: Becki
The names are nice by themselves but the 4 boys names bother me because they all end the same, what do you think?!
Proud Auntie to: Robert Joseph and Brady Lovander, Juliana Mae and Sophia Lee, Graham Joseph, and soon to be one more!
I've seen this show. Cute kids. :)
DH: Steven
DW: Lyndsey
Brianna - blech
Taylor - blech
Alexis Dianna - nms; Diana Alexis would've been ok
Joshua Stanley - blah
Anthony Frank - blah
Julian Matthew - Julian rocks
Jiliana Hattie - I like Hattie as a nn for Harriet, but what's a Jiliana?? And why three random J names and 2 A names within a quint set? That just bothers me, but I'm weird. lol
I LOVE the Dilley family. I've been watching the specials done on them since their birth. :b
DH: Keith
DW: Becki
*Ok, I LOVE their names separately but not necessarily as a set. Adrian, Julian, and Ian are all way too similar for brothers imo. But I still think they have some of the best multiple-set names I've seen on these shows. :)

DH: Steven
DW: Lyndsey
Brianna - blech
Taylor - blech
Alexis Dianna - nms; Diana Alexis would've been ok
Joshua Stanley - blah
Anthony Frank - blah
Julian Matthew - Julian rocks
Jiliana Hattie - I like Hattie as a nn for Harriet, but what's a Jiliana?? And why three random J names and 2 A names within a quint set? That just bothers me, but I'm weird. lol
I LOVE the Dilley family. I've been watching the specials done on them since their birth. :b
DH: Keith
DW: Becki
*Ok, I LOVE their names separately but not necessarily as a set. Adrian, Julian, and Ian are all way too similar for brothers imo. But I still think they have some of the best multiple-set names I've seen on these shows. :)

I have a cousin named Taylah (girl), I think it makes it more feminine. The spelling Taylah or Tayla (for girls) is more poular where I'm from (Australia) Australians prn Taylor and Tayla the same way, whereas Americans would prn Taylor with a strong R, they would say Tay-lor but we say Tay-lah. :)
Mum to Hayley Anne
Mum to Hayley Anne
Unless the American is southern (as I am) lol. That's why I associate Taylah as a lazy version of Taylor, cause we're seen as having a lazy accent, like we can't be bothered to speak correctly (whatevah lol)
Funny that you're Australian! My fave guilty pleasure soap is Neighbours and, every time I'm in Britain people think I'm Australian. I tell them 'no, I'm American, just southern' lol
"Chan eil tuil air nach tig traoghadh"
Funny that you're Australian! My fave guilty pleasure soap is Neighbours and, every time I'm in Britain people think I'm Australian. I tell them 'no, I'm American, just southern' lol
"Chan eil tuil air nach tig traoghadh"
Neighbours Names
My fave character is Paul because he's the most fun to watch.
I used to love, love the name Isabelle... until I watched Neighbours! lol now I'm more iffy and I hate the nm 'Izzy' because it means 'whiney psycho' to me now lol
Other names from the show I really like (just to incorporate Neighbours into the discussion lol):
Lucinda / Elle (her real name is Pippa - interesting)
Sianoa (plays Bree)
Katya (real name Dichen)
Oscar (Seasame St char. is awesome too, real name Ingo)
Jarrod (but sp. Jared)
Harold (this name is making a comeback, I think)
Zeke (though I really don't like this character, I'm hoping Bree gets a little play lol)
*These are just the current chars. since the shows been on 20 years of course :)
"Chan eil tuil air nach tig traoghadh"
My fave character is Paul because he's the most fun to watch.
I used to love, love the name Isabelle... until I watched Neighbours! lol now I'm more iffy and I hate the nm 'Izzy' because it means 'whiney psycho' to me now lol
Other names from the show I really like (just to incorporate Neighbours into the discussion lol):
Lucinda / Elle (her real name is Pippa - interesting)
Sianoa (plays Bree)
Katya (real name Dichen)
Oscar (Seasame St char. is awesome too, real name Ingo)
Jarrod (but sp. Jared)
Harold (this name is making a comeback, I think)
Zeke (though I really don't like this character, I'm hoping Bree gets a little play lol)
*These are just the current chars. since the shows been on 20 years of course :)
"Chan eil tuil air nach tig traoghadh"
This message was edited 2/6/2006, 9:24 AM
didn't know those are trashy names
Those are white trash names? I think of a Janelle (not Neighbours' Janelle) as being almost a smart, quiet girl.
And I understand Janae... it's still pretty, though. Besides, I'm American so if I chose those names nobody would know because we don't have Neighbours :) It's one of my fave things about visiting Britain lol
"Chan eil tuil air nach tig traoghadh"
Those are white trash names? I think of a Janelle (not Neighbours' Janelle) as being almost a smart, quiet girl.
And I understand Janae... it's still pretty, though. Besides, I'm American so if I chose those names nobody would know because we don't have Neighbours :) It's one of my fave things about visiting Britain lol
"Chan eil tuil air nach tig traoghadh"