[Opinions] Eunice, Maud, and Opal
What do you think of the names Eunice, Maud, and Opal, individually?
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Horrid, horrid, and tolerable
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Eunice and Maud are quite ugly and frumpy to me. Opal I love for a mn though as it's fresh and sweet.
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Bad combo in my eyes.But I like Opal. It's a GP and a middle name choice for me, but it has a vintage, clunky charm I like. It's also one of the few gem names I can abide.Eunice and Maud are pretty... yeah, totally not my style, ever. And that's trying to be nice. Sorry. I just really don't like them, and even if I can see a mini Edith, Opal, Matilda, Jean... endless clunky, somewhat dated names... being cute on a kid and charming on an adult, I draw the line at Eunice and Maud. Maude makes me wince and Maud is even blarrghh-ier. Sorry.

This message was edited 9/3/2012, 2:12 PM

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LoveMaud and Opal though I prefer Maude as a nickname for Matilda and Opaline
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Sorry, but I don't like any of them.
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Eunice is one I can't quite come around to yet, but could eventually. It has potential but I don't think it's ready for a revival just yet.Maud I absolutely adore. Don't care what anyone else says. Though I do prefer Maude. I think it has a really cool vibe. It doesn't sound old to me at all.Opal I don't really care for. The sounds just aren't very appealing to me personally.
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Eunice isn't very pretty, it's got that nasally sound - but it's not awful and would be usable, in a hipster way. So ugly it's cute, nothing really dragging it down. It used to be stereotypically little-old-housewife-y, but I don't think it is any more.Maud would also seem "ugly-retro-chic" and is usable. I think it's a little cute, even. I expect most people would hate it - that's what makes it seem so hipsterish. But it gets an air of spunkiness from sounding like "Mod," and also from Harold and Maude.Opal is truly ugly IMO and gives me a very blowsy impression. But I guess it could probably be used in the hipster way too, since I think not everyone would say it was ugly, and it fits with the word name trend.Any of them would be cool to see on my son's 4-year-old peers, but I really don't like Opal.
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Hate Eunice, am fond of Maud (but spelled Maude), and I really want to like Opal but I just can't.
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I'm not a fan of Eunice. I like Eu- names, but not it.Maud is lovely! It's a fantastic name and one I'd like to see used more often. I prefer it spelled Maude.Opal is cute. It has a soft southern feel. Not my favorite name but it's nice.
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Eunice: It makes me think of "urine"Maud: Really unattractive soundingOpal: It is okay, but I think there are better gemstone names out there.
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I love Opal, like Maud, and hate Eunice. The only Eu- name I can stomach is Eudora, now that I think about it. The Eun- sound in Eunice is particularly ugly.
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Eunice - I don't really care for the sound of it all that much, but it has grown on me some, and I like the meaning.Maud - Offbeat and fun. I prefer it spelled Maude, but Maud is fine.Opal - Pretty and underused. This is my favorite of the three.
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When I see Eunice, I think of Eunice in the movie She's the man. This is all I see: http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m512y3HWip1r5q02co1_500.jpgNot a beautiful sight. So no to Eunice.Maud (prefer Maude) and Opal are better, but I can't say I love them either.
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Ugly, ugly, and ugly, BUT......they still carry clunky charm, like an old car that won't start. I'd say Maud is my favorite of the three, if I had to pick a favorite.
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Opal is pretty, and I wish it was as popular as Ruby.Maud I think has a singularly ugly sound. Just gross.Eunice sounds sniffy and congested, not attractive at all.
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Love Maud, Opal's ok, Eunice is dated and dowdy.
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