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[Surname] 3 names
I am looking for the origins of 3 surnames:Giddings (my mom's maiden name)
Murawski (my cousin's fiance's maiden name)
Tomalin (Susan Sarandon's maiden name)Cann someone help me with this?
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Giddings, English. There are places called Gidding and Gedding in England. They bear the names of the Saxon clans who settled there, e.g., Gidda's clan.
Tomalin, English, a double diminutive of Thomas, Tom-el-in.
Murawski, Polish. It looks like it means someone from Moravia, a region of the modern Czech Republic. Otherwise there could be a Polish place-name like Muraw or Murawa, the original home of the Murawskis (two guesses).
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