[Games] Family o' Twins CAF
For each set, choose both first names from the first set of names, and both middle names from the second set of names.H: your choice
W: your choiceD/D: FNs: Cassia Celia Daria Delia Fabia Julia Livia Lucia Lydia Maria Silvia Sophia / MNs: Ashland England Finland Greenland Holland Iceland Ireland Iveland Maryland Rheinland Scotland Thailand
S/S: FNs: Brown Cambridge Carnegie Cornell Duke Harvard Hopkins McGill Oxford Princeton Stanford Yale / MNs: Albrecht Arnault Batista Buffett Ellison Gates Helu Koch Li Ortega Persson Walton
D/S: FNs: Ainsley Ashley Bailey Beverly Hadley Harley Kelley Lesley Presley Reilly Shelley Shirley / MNs: Briar Brook Christmas Dell Garnet Haven Indigo Ivory Jewel Justice Ocean Pearl
Archived Thread - replies disabled
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H: Duke Princeton Presley
W: Lucia Sophia Ashland Presley D/D: Cassia Holland Presley / Celia Ireland Presley
S/S: Cambridge Ellison Presley / Stanford Persson Presley
D/S: Hadley Briar Presley / Harley Brook Presley
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H: Grant Rutherford
W: Francine AmeliaD/D: Cassia Holland and Lucia Ireland
S/S: Yale Walton and McGill Arnault
D/S: Ainsley Briar and Hadley Pearl
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H: Liam Henry
W: Isabel CarolineD/D: Sophia Holland / Julia Ashland
S/S: Yale Ellison "Eli" / Cambridge Li "Cam"
D/S: Beverly Indigo "Eve" / Hadley Ocean "Addie"
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DH: Michael Anthony
DW: Laure YseultDD/DD: Daria Maryland & Julia Ashland
DS/DS: Cornell Ellison & Stanford Arnault
DD/DS: Shirley Indigo & Harley Justice
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H: Kelley Justice Gilbert
W: Julia Beverly {Rowlands} GilbertD/D: Lydia Scotland Gilbert / Maria Holland Gilbert
S/S: Hopkins Ellison Gilbert / Brown Arnault Gilbert
D/S: Ainsley Haven Gilbert / Ashley Brook Gilbert
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D/D: Julia Maryland/ Sophia England
S/S: Duke Ellison/ Hopkins Ortega
D/S: Ainsley Haven/ Bailey Ocean
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H: Florian Benedetto
W: Isobel ValentinaD/D: Livia Scotland / Julia Ireland
S/S: Duke Ellison / Princeton Albrecht
D/S: Beverly Pearl / Harley Indigo
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H: Brian Karl
W: Rachel ColleenD/D: Lydia Scotland / Maria Holland
S/S: Duke Ellison / Yale Persson
D/S: Presley Pearl / Hadley Garnet
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H: Sophia Ivory
W: Kelley Haven
D/D: Cassia Ireland & Livia Scotland
S/S: Duke Walton & Yale Persson
D/S: Hadley Pearl & Shelley Indigo
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H: Jared Michael
W: Christina SophieD/D: Cassia England / Livia Ireland
S/S: Princeton Albrecht / Stanford Arnault
D/S: Bailey Garnet / Hadley Pearl
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H: Henry Michael
W: Katie Lucille D/D: Livia Holland/Sophia Ireland
S/S: Yale Ellison/Duke Walton
D/S: Ainsley Briar/Reilly Dell
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H: Devon Orion
W: Bellatrix SophiaD/D: Cassia Ireland / Lucia England
S/S: Cambridge Albrecht / McGill Walton
D/S: Harley Pearl / Reilly Justice Devon & Bella: Cassie, Lucy, Cam, Mac, Harley, & Reilly
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H: Michael Thompson Sawyer
W: Tara Philippa BainesD/D: Cassia Ashland Sawyer/Livia Holland Sawyer
S/S: Duke Arnault Sawyer/McGill Ellison Sawyer
D/S: Harley Pearl Sawyer/Bailey Garnet Sawyer
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DH: Grant Michael Seaver
DW: Laura Caroline {Endicott} SeaverDD/DD: Lydia Scotland Seaver / Celia Holland Seaver
DS/DS: Duke Ellison Seaver / Yale Albrecht Seaver
DD/DS: Ainsley Pearl Seaver / Bailey Justice Seaver

This message was edited 9/24/2012, 7:44 AM

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H: Laurence Alexander
W: Jennifer RosemaryD/D: Silvia Holland / Julia Maryland
S/S: Brown Albrecht / Cornell Arnault
D/S: Kelley Briar / Reilly Dell
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H: Henry Josiah
W: Bethany JoyD/D: -- Livia Maryland & Sophia Ashland
S/S: -- Stanford Ellison & Princeton Albrecht
D/S: -- Ashley Pearl & Reilly Brook
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H: Matthew John
W: Caitlin MarieD/D: Livia Ireland / Sophia Rheinland
S/S: Princeton Gates / McGill Albrecht
D/S: Kelley Pearl / Hadley Briar
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H: Warren Kendall
W: Lynette MareeD/D: Cassia Holland and Silvia England
S/S: McGill Walton and Yale Ellison
D/S: Hadley Pearl and Reilly Justice
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H: Walter Albert
W: Holly PearlWalt & Holly; Cassie, Lucy, Stan, Cam, Ash and Reilly. D/D: Cassia England / Lucia Holland
S/S: Stanford Walton / Cambridge Albrecht
D/S: Ashley Pearl / Reilly Brook
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H: Lorelei Rhiannon
W: Callum ThomasD/D: Julia Ireland / Maria Holland
S/S: Duke Ellison / Yale Walton
D/S: Kelley Briar / Reilly Justice
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Donald Lee
Jennifer AineCassia Scotland and Julia Ireland
Duke Gates and Cambridge Albrecht
Ainsley Briar and Bailey Haven
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H: Arthur James
W: Grace LalitaD/D: Lydia England and Cassia Ireland
S/S: Stanford Ellison and Yale Walton
D/S: Hadley Pearl and Reilly Indigo
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H: Fergus Antony
W: Eugenia Coral D/D: Delia Iveland / Silvia Holland
S/S: Cornell Walton / Harvard Ellison
D/S: Beverly Pearl / Reilly Ocean
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H: Emmett Gale
W: Rose MirabelleD/D: Cassia Scotland / Sophia Ashland
S/S: Yale Ellison / Harvard Walton
D/S: Hadley Pearl / Reilly Haven
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