[Opinions] Diocletian
wdyt? (boy)
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Not a good man to name a kid after. Persecuted religious minorities, check. Price controls that failed even worse than Richard Nixon's, check. Sounds like Ancient Rome's Richard Nixon chasing after Christians instead of Commies.

This message was edited 9/27/2012, 5:25 PM

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Sounds extremely pretentious, and plus Diocletian wasn't exactly the nicest of people.
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Since Diocletian (Dioklecian in cCroatian) is the only Roman Emperor from Croatia and his palace is a major tourist attraction here, we all know about him, but the name isn't used. As a name I think it's OTT, but his birth name Diocles isn't that bad.
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I think we talked about him in one of my classes last week - wasn't he the emperor who preceded Constantine and led a massive seeking out of and killing of Christians in the Roman Empire? Also don't think the name sounds great. Important historical figure but I wouldn't want a connection to someone who ordered mass killings. I'll google to see if it's the same guy or not. Eta yup. From Wikipedia:
"The Diocletianic Persecution (303–11), the Empire's last, largest, and bloodiest official persecution of Christianity..."

This message was edited 9/27/2012, 5:44 PM

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Sounds like some kind of medicine to me, antibiotics, painkiller, something like that
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