[Opinions] Dove or Meadow?
I am still playing around with Liesl combos and need some opinions.
Which do you like better? and what is your overall feel for them? Liesl Dove
Liesl Meadow
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I don't really love either of them. I think Liesl Dove flows better, but I prefer Meadow as a name because Dove makes me think of the soap!
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I like Liesl Dove. Meadow is getting a little boring, I think.
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Liesl Meadow is much better, IMO. I think Dove sounds silly.
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I really do like both names but I think Liesl Meadow sounds the best. Liesl Dove is making me think of "diesel"
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I prefer Meadow. It sounds better with Liesl. Dove seems too soft to me.
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Liesl Dove kind of sounds like an affectionate nickname, like Liesl Darling, but I kind of like it!
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Out of Dove and Meadow on their own, I would definitely choose Meadow - I think it's sweet and spunky. But when paired with Liesl, I think Dove sounds better. I think Liesl Dove has a really lovely flow to it.
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Probably Meadow, just because I read Dove as "she dove in to the swimming pool". Silly, and certainly when you hear the name said, it's fine..
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