[Opinions] Name triplet boys (m)
None may begin with the same letter though... :D
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Benjamin, Felix, JasperBenjamin Arthur
Felix Jude
Jasper Daniel
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Ian Malachi, Theo Declan, and Evren Alexander
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Theodore Isaac, Samuel John, and Frederick Aaron
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Archer, Viggo, & Hawthorne

This message was edited 10/15/2012, 9:08 AM

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Dylan, Michael and AustinOr here in Germany:Jakob, Aaron and Casper
Tomte, Sixten and Casper
Jakob, Nathan and Casper
Not sure ;)
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Daniel Hugo
Thomas Morgan
William Robert
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My dream would be for something of a Colonial theme: Ethan, Micah, & Nathaniel (Nat)Ethan Alexander
Micah Remiel
Nathaniel Salem (Nat)
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Alexander, Nathaniel, & Christopher
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Leo, Alexander and Dominic
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Asa, Joseph, and Nathaniel. :)
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Theodore, Nicholas & Alexander.Middle names are too hard for me right now. :P
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August, Isidore and EmmanuelAugust, Isidore and Emmanuel
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Way too easy!Noah Kjell Maximilian
Alexander Per Isidor
Theodore Vilhelm Leo
Kjell, Per, Isidor, Vilhelm and Theodore are all honoring.
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Emrys Patrick Ian & Morgan Joseph Karl & Felix Winston LukeFirst middles are from my family, second middles are from OH's.
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I really like William Grant - I've never thought of that combo before but it works wonderfully!
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Isaac James and Tobias Henry are definite, and then I'd have either Max Theodore, Sydney Alexander or Sebastian Wolfgang - but the last three are really close to which one is my favourite.
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Isaac James is fantastic!
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I have little cousins who are brothers called Henri and Tobias :D
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Hawthorn Ronan
Somerled Magnus
Evander Torin
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I really like Evander Torin. I'd like your other two combos more if they were reversed - Magnus Somerled (despite the -s S- issue) and Ronan Hawthorn are just fantastic!
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I'll use my DS's name as one of the names. So they would be:Jasper Emmanuel
Moses Remy
Oscar Zed
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I really like Moses Remy - what a handsome, unexpected combo!
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Declan Clifford is gorgeous.
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Finley Alexander
Murray Evander
Carbrey LeanderYeah, I wouldn't really use those middle names together, but let's pretend I would.
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Finley Alexander is very handsome!
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I love seeing Abram, and Abram Leander is so handsome. Abram to me is a really solid name, and Leander adds a touch of whimsy.
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Thomas Ronan, Henry Tobias, and Abram Daniel
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Thomas Ronan is lovely, and so is Abram Daniel.
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So pleased to see Riley on a boy - Adam Riley is really charming.
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Oh, *swoon* I love seeing Godfrey! Malcolm Godfrey is so charming and Edmund Godfrey would be even better. Also pleased to see Martin - Henry Martin is just wonderful.Voting on your PNL now.. :)Edit: Literally only 2 names on your list that I don't love, which are Ralph and Ray. Lovely!

This message was edited 10/14/2012, 6:51 AM

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Thanks! Edmund Godfrey is very charming. I love Godfrey as a middle name!I probably wouldn't like Ray very much if it weren't an important family name.

This message was edited 10/14/2012, 2:01 PM

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So lovely to see Eugene! I am so fond of it but SO would never agree, haha. I know a charming wee Eugene who is about 3. :)
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Everett Noble
Bowen Swift
Arlo JusticeBoys are so much easier than girls :)
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Everett Noble is a really cool combination!
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I generally avoid matchy names, but if I gave birth to triplets I think I deserve some fun and I'd go with Gabriel, Emanuel and Rafael.I actually know 3 brothers (not triplets) named Mihael, Gabriel and Rafael:-) They're grown-ups now and it doesn't seem to have bothered them any.

This message was edited 10/13/2012, 3:01 PM

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Ezra William
Jonathan David
Seth Michael
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wrong spot. ignore

This message was edited 10/14/2012, 10:15 PM

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Alexander Raymond
Valentin Elijah
Kazimir GerwynA.K.A Sasha, Vali and Kaz.I had to choose the mns on a whim (esp. Gerwyn) although they're all honouring, somewhat.
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Rupert Theodore
Arthur Sebastian
Henry George
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Because there are always two who start with the same letter and one who doesn't? I know you pointed this out once, and now everytime I see a set like that it bothers me. ;)Today my boys would be:
Matteus Fale Prosper Nikodemus
Vendel Mio Salomon Amandus
Sindre Fenix Gabriel Bonifatius
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Aaaaah 3 boys. I'd be tearing my hair out just naming one.Grover Felix Matthias
August Malachi Ezra nn Gus
Boaz Winston Isaac
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I like yours, but I would switch Grover and Felix. Mine would be something like...Edmund Thaddeus
Lorenzo Klaus
Gratian Eustace

This message was edited 10/13/2012, 12:44 PM

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