[Opinions] Brook
This spelling has really grown on me. I like it for a girl. Do you think it looks incomplete?I like it better because it is a word (I also prefer Sky over Skye) and I love nature names. As a nature name I think it can work for a girl and this name is hardly used for boys anymore anyway, no matter the spelling.Brook or Brooke for a girl?I know that Brooke is still quite common but it never made the top 30 and is on its way out of the top 100 so I think it will be usable again soon. Does it seem very dated to you? I find Brook a lot fresher for some reason.
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I like Brook and Brooke, but Brook more. I don't think of Brooke as dated but I guess it is. There is something kind of "refreshing" about Brook in its unadornment. I also like that it's just a nature name rather than a word that had to be made namier via the addition of an E (I like Sky more than Skye too).I like it for either gender. I know a guy named Brooks.
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I have to say that i prefer Brooke, but I like them both as middle names, as a first name I think they are too simplistic and incomplete. Also they go really well with most names. Coincidentially I prefer Skye over Sky, the "e" on both names just adds something for me. But since they sound exactly the same I don't see much of a difference. Popularity wise I don't see it as a concern. I've never met a Brooke or a Brook, and come to think of it I've never met a Skye / Sky either.
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I know of one person named Brook (woman, mid-to-late 30s). The rest have been Brooke (and there haven't been too many of them). All of them were 21 or younger. My middle child is Brooke so Brook does look rather naked to me. You could always use Brook, but I think you'd encounter a lot of misspellings.ETA that I know of one Brooks (male) born in the last year. Brooks William to be exact. It was nice to see that on a boy.

This message was edited 10/31/2012, 4:55 AM

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Weird. What a random weird name. Brook makes sense but... multiple brooks? I've never gotten it.
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I know two girls named Brook, one is in 10th grade, and one is in 4 year old Kindergarten. It doesn't seem dated to me, since there are so few.
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