[Opinions] Brooke or Brook (more)
Brooke or Brook for a girl and why?I've really fallen in love with this name again, I used to like it quite some time ago. Brook seems a lot fresher to me even though they sound the same, and I love how it's an actual nature name without changing the spelling.What do you think of the name in general? Is it too dated or a classic? It has never been too common but it feels more common than it has been (it actually never made the top 40).
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Brooke, so it's not like the noun. I don't like word names much. I don't mind the name, although my mom once referred to a chatty Brooke as "Babbling Brooke" and I haven't been able to quite let that go. :)
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I love this name for both genders honestly. I find that I like Brooke for girls and Brook for boys though. I wouldn't call it dated, but I don't think of it as a classic yet either. It's definitely still too "new" for that title, IMO.
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It's all right I guess. Nothing special about it. Brook looks incomplete and it seems needlessly complicated as everybody will assume it's Brooke; even written or typed out it looks like a mistake.
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Brooke, I dislike naming something out of nature. For example, I prefer Skye to Sky, Raine to Rain ect For some names it obviously doesn't work: River, Meadow...
Brooke for me looks more complete, I wouldn't use it as a first name but it is a contender as a middle name for some of my combos. I sounds as though it should be trendy and popular but realistically I've never met anyone with this name - child or adult.
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I prefer Brooke. It is more complete.
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Brooke. It looks more complete and more like a name. Brook just looks like the word... even though they're pronounced the same.I find Brook/e a bit plain and boring. I don't think it's really classic, as it hasn't been popular until fairly recently (in my experience anyway). It's relatively common for kids around here but it doesn't really do anything for me.
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I think Brook more looks masculine, but I quite like it. Brooke has never been a favorite of mine, but that said, I don't mind either one of them on a girl. I don't consider it to be a classic at all, I think it's very tied to the 90's (but that could just be me) or early 2000's
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Brooke was popular in the 80s when I was growing up, and I am quite fond of it. Brook doesn't feel as namey to me, and also has a more masculine vibe to it. Both are completely usable though.
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I love the name Brooke/Brook. I definitely prefer Brooke but I don't dislike Brook. Brooke just looks more complete. I don't think it's dated at all. I only know 2 people with this name and I like them both. Naturey names never seem dated to me.
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Brooke looks like a surname. If you enjoy lnfns, go for it. Brook makes me think of the Tennyson poem "The Brook" in which the eponymous natural feature remarks that "men may come and men may go, but I go on for ever".Neither version gets any use at all where I live, and if I met a South African Brook(e) I'd do my best not to laugh, because it sounds exactly like the Afrikaans word for underpants. This would not be a problem elsewhere, of course, but it pretty well eliminates Brook(e) from my naming life.
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Brooke would be better.
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