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[Opinions] Re: Welsh BAs
in reply to a message by Pie
Trystan Pierre's whole family is kind of cool.Hmm...Gwennan / Gwenan is interesting. Female or unisex?And how do you pronounce Tegid and Eilir?I love Welsh names.
I just can't figure out how to pronounce anything without asking. *face palm*
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Ask away, foreign names aren't obvious! - and it's always really nice that people are interested.Gwen(n)an (f) - apparently from gwen + nant, 'white stream'
Tegid (m) - TEH gid - probably from teg, 'fair', 'beautiful', but given that this one's in N Wales he was probably named for Llyn Tegid (Bala Lake), our biggest lake
Eilir (m & f, but mostly m) - AY leer, ay to rhyme with hey - it's an old word for butterfly & the only one I've ever met is male.
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I like all of those, especially Tegid. Thanks. :)
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