[Opinions] Angharad
I've loved the name Angharad since first watching the movie How Green Was My Valley. I think it's absolutely beautiful and easy to spell and pronounce. What do you think of it?
I've also been throwing around a few combos and the one that has stuck is Angharad Myfanwy (pron. 'muh-VAWN-wee', the last syllable sounds almost clipped). What do you think of the combo? Even though Myfanwy is quite difficult for those who know nothing of Welsh, I thought that since it's being used as a middle name then it wouldn't be as big a deal as if it was the first name. Do you foresee any problems with Angharad Myfanwy?

I've also been throwing around a few combos and the one that has stuck is Angharad Myfanwy (pron. 'muh-VAWN-wee', the last syllable sounds almost clipped). What do you think of the combo? Even though Myfanwy is quite difficult for those who know nothing of Welsh, I thought that since it's being used as a middle name then it wouldn't be as big a deal as if it was the first name. Do you foresee any problems with Angharad Myfanwy?

I think it's mega cool! I love Myfanwy but my surname is Irish so it might look a bit wierd if i called one of my kids that. If the two names go with your surname then definatly use it because it's interesting, unusual and they won't get stuck with an increasingly common name like mine (Isabella).
I've loved the name Angharad since seeing the "Poldark" series in the 70's. One of the main actresses was named Angharad Rhys/Rees.
I worry that people here in the U.S. would be put off by the pronunciation. (By the way, which version of "How Green was My Valley" are you referring to? I've seen the John Ford 1940's version and it's very good. But I've been trying to find the BBC 70's series to no avail.) In whichever series you heard the name, are they pronouncing it "ann-HAR-ad," with a silent "g?" That's my understanding of the name.
The mn is a little off-putting, but you're right about it not being a problem as a mn. I've wondered exactly how it is pronounced and now I know. Thanks. Yes, they flow nicely.
I never thought anyone else would like this name. It figures it would be you. All we need now is for Harry Potter to get a new girl-friend named Angharad and we're in business.
I worry that people here in the U.S. would be put off by the pronunciation. (By the way, which version of "How Green was My Valley" are you referring to? I've seen the John Ford 1940's version and it's very good. But I've been trying to find the BBC 70's series to no avail.) In whichever series you heard the name, are they pronouncing it "ann-HAR-ad," with a silent "g?" That's my understanding of the name.
The mn is a little off-putting, but you're right about it not being a problem as a mn. I've wondered exactly how it is pronounced and now I know. Thanks. Yes, they flow nicely.
I never thought anyone else would like this name. It figures it would be you. All we need now is for Harry Potter to get a new girl-friend named Angharad and we're in business.
I've only seen the John Ford verion from the 1940s with Maureen O'Hara, Walter Pidgeon, Roddy McDowell and Donald Crisp. *supresses the urge to fangirl* I've never seen the BBC production, but I'll look it up if you think it would be worth watching. Who stars in it?
As for the pronunciation, I believe Welsh 'G's are just barely and briefly pronounced so Angharad would most certainly almost sound like 'ann-HAR-ad'.
I never thought anyone else would like this name. It figures it would be you.
ROTF! I like almost anything, usually through positive connotations. I think I adore Myfanwy as much as I do because it was the name of the poet Edward Thomas's daughter. He's one of my favourite poets. Such a romantic.
All we need now is for Harry Potter to get a new girl-friend named Angharad and we're in business.
Anyone but Ginny! Oops. Did I say that aloud?? ;)

As for the pronunciation, I believe Welsh 'G's are just barely and briefly pronounced so Angharad would most certainly almost sound like 'ann-HAR-ad'.
I never thought anyone else would like this name. It figures it would be you.
ROTF! I like almost anything, usually through positive connotations. I think I adore Myfanwy as much as I do because it was the name of the poet Edward Thomas's daughter. He's one of my favourite poets. Such a romantic.
All we need now is for Harry Potter to get a new girl-friend named Angharad and we're in business.
Anyone but Ginny! Oops. Did I say that aloud?? ;)

This message was edited 2/11/2006, 3:39 PM
I looked for it last year and the BBC production of How Green Was My Valley is available in Britain. But they haven't formatted it yet for the U.S. Sian Phillips stars in it. She played Livia in I, Claudius so anything she's in is OK with me. I was hoping perhaps you had seen a recently released version in the U.S. Oh, well. . . .
I don't read the Harry Potter books so I can't comment on which young lady / witch Mr. P should be interested in. But come now; you've got to love the name Ginevra, or you're not the name-lover I've come to know. :-)
I don't read the Harry Potter books so I can't comment on which young lady / witch Mr. P should be interested in. But come now; you've got to love the name Ginevra, or you're not the name-lover I've come to know. :-)
*grumbles* Yes, I love the name Ginevra. Darn it. The character aside, the name is hauntingly beautiful and somewhat spunky. It's such a lovely name, I woudln't cover it up by using the nickname Ginny.
Siân Phillips is a fine actress. She was married to another one of my favourite actors, Peter O'Toole, who was fantabulous in 'Lawrence of Arabia'. (He was so beautiful in that movie that it should've been called 'Florence of Arabia').
As for a copy of HGWMV, I've found a VHS version from amazon.co.uk, but no DVD version (UK or US). Does VHS have to be specially formatted for the US or is VHS univsersal?

Siân Phillips is a fine actress. She was married to another one of my favourite actors, Peter O'Toole, who was fantabulous in 'Lawrence of Arabia'. (He was so beautiful in that movie that it should've been called 'Florence of Arabia').
As for a copy of HGWMV, I've found a VHS version from amazon.co.uk, but no DVD version (UK or US). Does VHS have to be specially formatted for the US or is VHS univsersal?

I'm a Harry/Hermione shipper myself, though I could easily go for Harry/Luna. Draco can have Ginny, lol.
Just to keep the post on topic, I don't believe JKR has used any Welsh names in the books, has she? I know she's used some Scottish names and some Irish ones, but no Welsh, which is odd since Wales is in the UK as well.

Just to keep the post on topic, I don't believe JKR has used any Welsh names in the books, has she? I know she's used some Scottish names and some Irish ones, but no Welsh, which is odd since Wales is in the UK as well.

I'm totally a Harry/Luna shipper! lol
The guy that teaches them how to apparate in the 6th book - I thought he had a Welsh name but I can't remember it off the top of my head and I don't have my books with me... ?
Twywn or something like that maybe? Is that even Welsh? lol
I was wondering the same thing! She has obvious English kids, obvious Irish (well...only Seamus seems obviously Irish to me) and I assume there MUST be Scottish kids since the school's in Scotland but Welsh... I've never read a really 'Welsh' name in any of the books! How odd :)
"Chan eil tuil air nach tig traoghadh"
"Maybe surrounded by
A million people I
Still feel all alone
I just wanna go home
Oh I miss you, you know"
- 'Home', Michael Buble
The guy that teaches them how to apparate in the 6th book - I thought he had a Welsh name but I can't remember it off the top of my head and I don't have my books with me... ?
Twywn or something like that maybe? Is that even Welsh? lol
I was wondering the same thing! She has obvious English kids, obvious Irish (well...only Seamus seems obviously Irish to me) and I assume there MUST be Scottish kids since the school's in Scotland but Welsh... I've never read a really 'Welsh' name in any of the books! How odd :)
A million people I
Still feel all alone
I just wanna go home
Oh I miss you, you know"
- 'Home', Michael Buble
Harry and Luna would be sweet together. Have you ever checked out FictionAlley's Harry/Luna ship thread? Uber cute.
I found a Welsh name! Dilys Derwent. She was a Headmistress of Howarts and a healer.
I'm gonig to have to search out some more names, though, because now my curiosity has the better of me. http://www.hp-lexicon.org is my friend... :)

I found a Welsh name! Dilys Derwent. She was a Headmistress of Howarts and a healer.
I'm gonig to have to search out some more names, though, because now my curiosity has the better of me. http://www.hp-lexicon.org is my friend... :)

oh my I was addicted to the Lexicon last summer! I'm surprised I didn't even think of it! They have every name ever mentioned in Harry Potter in a very nice list :)
omg, I adore FictionAlley! I worked for the site for a short period a few years back, taking care of the art section but it was too much (I was in high school at the time and that plus school + sports + clubs was TOO much) and I just recently started posting a story I wrote on there lol I'm in the Dark Arts, pcharmed86, look me up :) My obvious fascination for names really shows in my stories I think lol
back to topic... Dilys Derwent! Well there's a name I certainly wouldn't have thought of! lol Very pretty meaning though.
"Chan eil tuil air nach tig traoghadh"
"Maybe surrounded by
A million people I
Still feel all alone
I just wanna go home
Oh I miss you, you know"
- 'Home', Michael Buble
omg, I adore FictionAlley! I worked for the site for a short period a few years back, taking care of the art section but it was too much (I was in high school at the time and that plus school + sports + clubs was TOO much) and I just recently started posting a story I wrote on there lol I'm in the Dark Arts, pcharmed86, look me up :) My obvious fascination for names really shows in my stories I think lol
back to topic... Dilys Derwent! Well there's a name I certainly wouldn't have thought of! lol Very pretty meaning though.
A million people I
Still feel all alone
I just wanna go home
Oh I miss you, you know"
- 'Home', Michael Buble
This message was edited 2/11/2006, 5:09 PM
That's were I first heard the name too!
That's were I first heard the name too was on Angharad Rhys/Rees! Only I've never seen "Poldark" she was in a radio drama (BBC 'Emma') that I have on tape and listen to a lot and that's where I first saw/heard the name.
I rather like Angharad but it does take some getting used to, the first time I saw it I said "What!?". I say it for like An-ard or An-hard but deffinately leave the G silent.

"That tongue of yours is hinged in the middle, sister!"
That's were I first heard the name too was on Angharad Rhys/Rees! Only I've never seen "Poldark" she was in a radio drama (BBC 'Emma') that I have on tape and listen to a lot and that's where I first saw/heard the name.
I rather like Angharad but it does take some getting used to, the first time I saw it I said "What!?". I say it for like An-ard or An-hard but deffinately leave the G silent.

"That tongue of yours is hinged in the middle, sister!"
Angharad is pro. 'ann-har-ad'? WHOA. I thought Maria said it was easy to pronounce? lol, I was thinking 'ann-gar-ad', like en gaurde (sp?) in fencing. lol.
Well, I still like both names. But if a person with that name came to the states - I agree with - most Americans would have NO idea how to pronounce either name!
"Chan eil tuil air nach tig traoghadh"
"Maybe surrounded by
A million people I
Still feel all alone
I just wanna go home
Oh I miss you, you know"
- 'Home', Michael Buble
Well, I still like both names. But if a person with that name came to the states - I agree with - most Americans would have NO idea how to pronounce either name!
A million people I
Still feel all alone
I just wanna go home
Oh I miss you, you know"
- 'Home', Michael Buble
Yah, the 'bh' and 'mh' are what I think of usually when I see Celtic names as I'm not too familiar with the 'gh' form especially.
Good to know though! And I never even realized that about 'night' and 'eight' lol I guess when it's something you've just known since you were little it doesn't stick out!
Thanks :)
"Chan eil tuil air nach tig traoghadh"
"Maybe surrounded by
A million people I
Still feel all alone
I just wanna go home
Oh I miss you, you know"
- 'Home', Michael Buble
Good to know though! And I never even realized that about 'night' and 'eight' lol I guess when it's something you've just known since you were little it doesn't stick out!
Thanks :)
A million people I
Still feel all alone
I just wanna go home
Oh I miss you, you know"
- 'Home', Michael Buble
I love it.
Myfanwy is my favorite Welsh name, and its a lovely combination. Nice job!
Myfanwy is my favorite Welsh name, and its a lovely combination. Nice job!
Thank you! I'm glad to see that someone else likes Myfanwy as much as I do. :)

Yikes...yes, I forsee many problems. I haven't the faintest clue how to pronouce Angharad, and always though that Myfanwny was my-FAWN-wee. I would probably not know how to spell either name.
Sorry to be so negative. :-/
Sorry to be so negative. :-/
I don't think Myfanwy should be a huge problem in general Britain as it's the name of a character on the popular British sketch show (so funny! love it) Little Britain
It's the character of a girl though - is Angharad for a girl or boy?
"Chan eil tuil air nach tig traoghadh"
"Maybe surrounded by
A million people I
Still feel all alone
I just wanna go home
Oh I miss you, you know"
- 'Home', Michael Buble
It's the character of a girl though - is Angharad for a girl or boy?
A million people I
Still feel all alone
I just wanna go home
Oh I miss you, you know"
- 'Home', Michael Buble
I love 'Little Britain'. It's such a funny show and one of my faovurite British comedies (along with 'My Family' and 'Absolutely Fabulous').
Angharad is for a girl.

Angharad is for a girl.

lol, yah, it's great :)
I just saw that after reading Bear's comment! I would've come back and edited the question but was too lazy :) lol. Thanks for the answer though!
It sounded almost masculine to me at first but then I learned I was just pro. it wrong (I was thinking an-gar-ad, whoops!).
"Chan eil tuil air nach tig traoghadh"
"Maybe surrounded by
A million people I
Still feel all alone
I just wanna go home
Oh I miss you, you know"
- 'Home', Michael Buble
I just saw that after reading Bear's comment! I would've come back and edited the question but was too lazy :) lol. Thanks for the answer though!
It sounded almost masculine to me at first but then I learned I was just pro. it wrong (I was thinking an-gar-ad, whoops!).
A million people I
Still feel all alone
I just wanna go home
Oh I miss you, you know"
- 'Home', Michael Buble