This surname Issbruecker is mostly found in Thuringen, Germany, perhaps a habitational name from that place. The word "Iss" I think is a variant of Eisen, meaning "iron" from Middle High German "isen". As an example of variants, the surname Issbrandt is a variant of Eisenbrandt, and Eisbrandt. Also the surname Issenberg is a variant of Eisenberg. Variants for Issbruecker is Isbruecker, Eisbruckner, Eisbruck, Eisenbruck, Eisenbruch and others, the surname meaning "iron bridge", perhaps a name for someone who lived near an iron bridge.
Interestingly, the surname Eisenbrandt is also mainly found in Thuringen, Germany, a much more common surname than Issbruecker.
This message was edited 12/7/2012, 3:35 PM