[Opinions] Ernest
My husband is fixed on this name for our second son. I don't care for it, but might consider it for a mn. So Fill the blank ______ Ernest Kenyon. Our first son is Samuel Gordon.
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I think Ernest makes a cute and charming middle name. As you can see from everyone else's list's, a wide variety of first names sound good with Ernest. I'm not sure what style name you want for this child so I chose some that are like SamuelSimon Ernest Kenyon
Daniel Ernest Kenyon
Todd Ernest Kenyon
Carl Ernest Kenyon
Lance Ernest Kenyon
Peter Ernest Kenyon
Lloyd Ernest Kenyon
Patrick Ernest Kenyon
Leon Ernest Kenyon
Tyson Ernest Kenyon
David Ernest KenyonI just realized that most of my choices are 2 syllable; some people try to avoid it, but i love 2-2-2 patterns especially for boys names
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I like David Ernest Kenyon quite a bit. Thanks.
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Noah Ernest is quite cute!
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