[Opinions] Triplet sighting
A Swedish set, either G/G/G or G/G/B:Liv, Lycka & LoAll are word names: Liv means 'life', Lycka 'happiness' and Lo 'lynx'. I don't know if this Lo is a boy or a girl, it's used for both genders. I'm sure some people will find it cheesy, but I don't. All names are common enough, they didn't make something up just to fit the theme, and other than having the same initial, they're not very similar. I like it. :)What do you think?
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I always feel bad about giving my opinion of names of another culture because they're usually names I haven't heard before or don't know how to pronounce and look odd. But maybe they're really cool in that language.. Yeah none of this makes sense at all.I like Liv, kinda. Lycka and Lo... not really, but... see above. ^
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I like 'life' and 'happiness.' Not so sure about 'lynx.'
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I like Liv, but I prefer Lykke to Lycka. Lo doesn't look like a real name to me, just a nn for Lovisa, Louis, Louise, et al.
I don't like matching names for twins or triplets. At least Liv, Lykke and Lovisa (or Ludvig for a boy) would sound better. Liv, Lycka and Lo sound better on pups or kittens.
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I think it's a little too much, especially for triplets. I would prefer Lykke instead of Lycka as well.
I'm, kind of, dating a triplet, he and his brother's names are Alexander, Linus and Sebastian.
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