[Opinions] Nolwenn
Discovered a new singer, Nolwenn Leroy. Not only was I struck by her music (sort of a Celtic-influenced Ingrid Michaelson meet Belle and Sebastian) I thought her name was really cool. In the US she goes by just Nolwenn. Wdyt?Also got me thinking about Breton names (really loving Azenor and Gaelle) and how much more attractive Leroy sounds in French than American English. LEE-roy versus leh-whah. Please excuse the bad French phonetics, it's hard to put sounds into writing. Purse your lips a little at the beginning of whah, then open them.
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Nolwenn is pretty and somewhat mysterious. It has a soft, appealing sound.
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I also like Nolwenn Leroy! And I think her name is nice. :)
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It's nice. My favourite Breton name is Maïwenn, but Nolwenn is charming too.
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I used to want to like Nolwenn but just didn't much. It's because it confuses my synesthesia for some reason! I can't quite figure out what image/texture/etc. it is and I feel confused when I look at it. I do prefer Olwen, which I really like and is sort of a family name. Then there's a street I drive by all the time called Nowlen, and I always think it says Nolwen, and for some reason that has made me like Nolwenn more! I still can't quite figure it out though!And wow, you're right, never thought about how much better Leroy sounds in French!

This message was edited 1/12/2013, 5:07 AM

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