[Opinions] Wdyto Pacifica?
A friend of mine has picked this name for her future DD and asked for my opinion. I have to admit when I first heard it I was a little confused but then I realized how perfect it is. My friend grew up in a California beach town and is a total surfer girl. I'm sure her DD will be a beach baby. My question is, Do I like this name only because of how it relates to my friend? And in any other situation is this name totally ridiculous?
Kinda pretty but over the top. Might work for a middle name if the first name is short. I would go with Oceana or something that reminds you of the sea, like Coral.
I think of the ocean at once, and therefore, the name seems "big". If Pacifica grew up overweight, her name would seem very cruel.
On the other hand, the sound is quite pretty and I love how unusual it is.
On the other hand, the sound is quite pretty and I love how unusual it is.
Well, I have no idea whether or not you like the name only because of your friend--and I don't think it matters. If you like it because it reminds you of her and think it's appropriate for her to use, that's cool. :D
I don't like Pacifica much, but it's not bad.
And the old men march slowly, all bent, stiff and sore
The forgotten heroes from a forgotten war
And the young people ask, "What are they marching for?"
And I ask myself the same question
I don't like Pacifica much, but it's not bad.
The forgotten heroes from a forgotten war
And the young people ask, "What are they marching for?"
And I ask myself the same question
For some reason I saw it as a very "Array" name.
For some reason I saw it as a very "Array" name.
I've never actually been to the Pacific Ocean...(m)
So the name doesn't have a great deal of resonance with me. Now, I can totally get behind Atlantic or Atlantica (as a middle name), since I love the Atlantic Ocean--I think it's absolutely gorgeous. Plus, Atlantic Records isn't a bad association, either. ;)
I might grow to like Pacifica more if I ever make it out to California, heh.
When the truth walks away, everybody stays--'cause the truth about the world is that crime does pay. So if you walk away, who is gonna stay? 'Cause I'd like to think the world is a better place.
I'd like to leave the world as a better place.
So the name doesn't have a great deal of resonance with me. Now, I can totally get behind Atlantic or Atlantica (as a middle name), since I love the Atlantic Ocean--I think it's absolutely gorgeous. Plus, Atlantic Records isn't a bad association, either. ;)
I might grow to like Pacifica more if I ever make it out to California, heh.
I'd like to leave the world as a better place.
The Pacific ocean is quite different from the Atlantic
Calmer, prettier. I love California's seashore. :-)
Calmer, prettier. I love California's seashore. :-)
Isn't the Pacific ocean colder?
I've heard that, but since I live in Calfornia and have never been to the Atlantic seashore, I haven't been able to test my theory.
I've heard that, but since I live in Calfornia and have never been to the Atlantic seashore, I haven't been able to test my theory.
I like it... sort of. I also like Annunziata, Concordia, and Apollonia. But I don't think they'd be very good on a real baby. They're too lofty or grand or something, IMO, to be used on a real person. They're pretty names that have a degree of appeal but they're just too much in reality.
I feel similarly about ultra-girly names. A baby might seem like a pretty, frilly little name when she's still a pregnancy, but what about when she's five--or fifteen or thirty--and isn't some precious little doll anymore?
I feel similarly about ultra-girly names. A baby might seem like a pretty, frilly little name when she's still a pregnancy, but what about when she's five--or fifteen or thirty--and isn't some precious little doll anymore?

This message was edited 2/13/2006, 11:52 AM
Pacifica is feminine, and I see it as a mn, but it's a bit too ridiculous for my taste. I'd never use it. There aren't any good nn. It needs a general fn, like Kara or Alyssa.
Proud Adopter Of Many Lovely Punctuation Pets; See My Profile For Their Names.
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Martin Luther King, Jr.
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Proud Adopter Of Many Lovely Punctuation Pets; See My Profile For Their Names.
"Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase."
Martin Luther King, Jr.
"It is not length of life, but depth of life."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Do you think Pacey is too masculine of a nn?
I love it, but could never use it, since it'll be too weird in Denmark.
Charlie Blue
Jareth, the Goblin King!

Jareth, the Goblin King!

Labyrinth - yay!
"We can even learn from our enemies." -Ovid
Mitakuye Oyasin
"We can even learn from our enemies." -Ovid
Mitakuye Oyasin
That film scared the s*** out of me when I was 10!
It seems sort of ridiculous anyway, even given the background. It's just "too much" imo. What would they call her, Paci?? :b I can sort of see it as a mn, but that's still stretching it. :(


I agree
Pacifica is not a name. It's an ocean with an A tacked on. Atlantica or Caribbeana isn't any better. As a middle name, maybe.
How can anyone know that their daughter is going to be a 'beach baby'? You can't really predict personalities.
Pacifica is not a name. It's an ocean with an A tacked on. Atlantica or Caribbeana isn't any better. As a middle name, maybe.
How can anyone know that their daughter is going to be a 'beach baby'? You can't really predict personalities.