[Opinions] Nona
What are your impressions of Nona? It's currently my #2 real-life-usable, SO-approved name, but I don't think I've ever really bothered to solicit any feedback on it before. How do you imagine a Nona? Her parents? Any vibes Nona gives you, I am interested in hearing about!I haven't really given a lot of thought to combos (though I'm pretty happy with the ideas I've spontaneously generated in the past 5 minutes), so I'd be interested to hear any thoughts on that front, as well. Currently my list stands at:Nona Winifred
Nona Harriet
Nona Penelope
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Just wondering: how would you feel about Mona? It's quite similar to Nona, and it's actually what I thought of first when I saw Nona, as I am more familiar with Mona than I am with Nona. I keep feeling like I want to see Nona be Mona, as if Nona is a misspelling of some sort. ;)
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Mona just doesn't do it for me like Nona does. I think it's a color thing: 'n' is very orange to me, and having two in one name, in such close proximity, makes it much more vivid to me. 'M' is more of a pink-purple.In that vein, like Nina a lot, too, but my boyfriend doesn't at all...plus I kind of like Nona (vs. Nina) because it doesn't have quite the same amount of "mainstream namenerd" appeal.
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Nona Harriet flows the best, imo. And Nona Penelope flows the worst.I kind of like Nona. I named a baby that in a story of mine. She had a sister named Zoya. They were Russian.I like it. I'd think her parents were either cultured (cool) or trying to be (uh oh). And the way Nona acted, dressed, talked, etc would probably fill me in on which one of those assumptions were true.
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I've honestly never come across this name before, but I always like mythological connections.My impression is... Nona as a child is bookish, playful, and quirky. Her parents are quirky, non-mainstream, but intelligent. I'm not sure how I feel about this name really. It seems very round...maybe it is the vowels, and I guess that leads to...How do you pronounce it? No-nah, Non-ah...I like Nona Penelope the best. I like the way the syllables sort of skip together.
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I really dislike Nona. It reminds me of a grandmother for two reasons: It sounds way to close to 'Nana', and one of my favorite childhood books was about an old witch lady named Strega Nona.Your middle name choices add too the grandmotherly vibe. If I had to choose one it would be Nona Harriet, because I do like Harriet on its own and it's not n-heavy like the other combos.I do like the similar Nora, and I love Nola.
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Nona is Italian for grandma, so the name makes me think of a little old Italian lady- especially in the combos with Winifred and Harriet as they're often considered 'old lady' names too. I prefer the similar Nina :)
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I thought Nona meant grandmother in Italian. That puts me off the name.Nona Lucy
Nona Verena
Nona Palma
Nona Alpha
Nona Rosa
Nona Hortense
Nona Ivy
Nona Alba
Nona Jovita
Nona Elma
Nona Adela
Nona Ebba
Nona Pansy
Nona Vesta
Nona Alta
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Nonna with two n's is grandma in Italian. But it's very close, and I think I'm the third person so far to think of that. It's also close to none.
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