[Opinions] Malcolm, Thekla and Thisbe
Three names have been on my mind lately. Thekla is an old favorite, something I've loved for years. I came across it on the board (Eilis was a fan) and then found it in an Agatha Christie novel. It's got a neat history and it's a wonderful guilty pleasure. Thisbe I recently came across in a Phryne Fisher novel. It's got a neat history but I think it's too over-the-top to be used. I love the meaning.Malcolm is a name I've loved for years. It comes on and off my radar pretty often, Gator Snout reminded me of it. This is one of the names I'd use in an instant if I could.Also: What do you think of Nile? I met a woman recently with the name and I wasn't sure what I thought.
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I'm only a fan of Malcolm. That being said, I'm REALLY a fan of it.Nile, presumably pronounced like the river, doesn't do anything for me.
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Not really a fan of Thekla or Thecla, the variant I'd be more likely to use (I generally prefer 'c' to 'k'). Malcolm, though, is one of my favorite boy names. Thisbe is a GP. Don't care for Nile.

This message was edited 4/15/2013, 9:27 PM

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I love Malcolm. It's a family name for me and will be a top contender if we ever have another son. I feel like it's a perfect balance of familiar and classic but not common or over used, with history and substance and great nickname potential...pretty much all of the qualities I shoot for when naming my children. I like it way more than Julian, which seems to wimpy to me, despite it's good on paper qualifications ;)I like Thisbe in theory, but not in practice. Thekla just isn't a pleasing sound to my ears. For what it's worth, I love most of the other girl names you've posted in the past, especially Judith, and Miriam...which incidentally is what my son would have been called had he been a girl, and what would be on our short list (and likely the winner, seeing as we don't see eye to eye on my current top pick, grr) if our potential third child would be a girl. But I digress.
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Thisbe's really neat! I hope it becomes fashionable. I have to remember it as a name I like in the future.
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Malcolm is an underused gem.Thekla and Thisbe are both decent names. Thekla is a bit too harsh sounding for me, but I still appreciate it.I like Nile for both genders. I'm not sure I would actually use it myself, but I find it intriguing.
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I love Thekla and Malcolm. Thisbe reminds me too much of the word frisbee. As for Nile, I could take it or leave. Not a favorite, but I don't hate it either.
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Thekla and Thisbe are NMS, even as GPs. I prefer Thisbe a tiny bit more because of its softer sound and its ties to ancient mythology, but on the other hand it sounds like a child who can't pronounce 'Frisbee'. On a side note, Phryne is an interesting name as well. I haven't read the books, but again I like the ties to Ancient Greece (after five years of Latin courses, I have a soft spot for anything Greek, Roman or Italian).Back on track: Malcolm is awesome. I like it a lot, but it's not high enough on my list at the moment for me to ever use. Nile is okay, but it sounds really masculine to me. Probably because I met a male Niall once, pronounced the same way.
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Thekla is harsh, imo, but I like Thisbe. It feels more like a cat name than a person name, though. Have you ever considered Themis?I love Malcolm so, so much. It has been my #1 boy name for a couple years now. It's a strong, handsome name, one that manages to be serious and a little bit fun at the same time. I'm glad it has supplanted Julian for you. Julian is a nice name, but every one I've met has been such a little punk, the sparkle has definitely worn off for me. I prefer Julius and Jules, anyway.You didn't ask, but Thomas and Malcolm would be awesome together, either in a combo or as siblings. Just sayin'.
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I can't say much to recommend Thekla or Thisbe, however, I like Malcolm a lot. It's quite the standout. I'm on the fence with Nile. I think I prefer Niles.

This message was edited 4/15/2013, 4:29 PM

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I kind of like Thekla, Thisbe, and Nile, they are very unusual. I definitely don't love them but I kind of like them. Nile definitely makes me think of the river and it reminds of the name Niles and of the word denial.I love Malcolm it almost makes it into my top favorite list. I like Julian more but if you don't like it then it should be off the table. Julian does seem a little snooty to me, probably because it reminds me of the doctor character from Star Trek Deep Space Nine, but I liked that character. It also makes me think of John Lenon's son named Julian that the song "Hey Jude" was written for, which has a less snooty image for me. The nn Jules makes me think of Jules Verne which is cool. But Malcolm also is really great, it is definitely one of my top 30 favorite boys names. I loved it before Firefly but after that show came out my love for it only grew and Mal is a great nn.Edited: I added why I love Julian and Malcolm.

This message was edited 4/15/2013, 4:21 PM

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I wish I did like it. It's the name of a favorite character in the Ender series, a series we both love. It's also the name of a saint I love. Unfortunately the Julian I knew was a snotty, prissy brat and I can't shake that connection. It's to bad, it's a good name.
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I don't have any friends or know any Julian's well enough to have met one who soured the name for me. I always think of Julian Lennon and the character Julian from Star Trek Deep Space Nine. The name Julian also reminds me a little bit of Julius Caesar.It's unfortunate that one bad Julian ruined the name for you. Unfortunately even positive associations sometimes aren't enough to change how we feel about some names.
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Julian from DS9 - he didn't do much for the name. I love the show and love the character however he was a prissy, pretty know-it-all.
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Yeah I know but I guess I've always been a sucker for the intelligent, know it all, fairly arrogant sort of guys as long as they are also nice, kind, and sweet as well. I've always kind of liked the name Julian but last year we rewatched all of DS9 and I hadn't seen any of them since I was in middle school. I realized when watching the show how much I love the name Julian because they say it a lot. I kind of doubt that I'll ever use it because it happens to be fairly popular, Gavin is also too popular. I'm actually surprised that Malcolm isn't in the top 100 currently because it seems like a name that should be popular.
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Yay. Another DS9 fan
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Since this is off topic I won't say more than this on the subject. I think DS9 is my favorite Star Trek series, I mean I love Next Generation and Voyager but I love all of the DS9 characters and they have consistently good episodes and very intriguing subject matter and an in-depth look into three very interesting alien cultures. I barely remembered anything about DS9 before rewatching it and I hadn't watched that much of it when I was a kid but my partner said it was great so we started watching it last year and I loved it.I also like the Original Series and Enterprise was just okay from what I've seen though I have still not seen all of Enterprise. My favorites are definitely DS9, NG, and Voyager.
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yay.Malcolm is now on the table and Julian is off
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Why can't they both be on the table?
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I've tried to like Julian. Great namesakes, classic, etc. The problem is it's still a snotty name to me. Alexander likes it and I felt I could live with it. When he told me he likes Malcolm I finally admitted to my feelings on Julian and voila - Julian is of the table and Malcolm is on. I'm relieved.
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I like both Malcolm and Julian, but Malcolm wins. It sounds tougher than Julian.
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Nile makes me think of DEnial, of course, and of West Nile Virus.I'm not a fan of either Thekla or Thisbe, but Malcolm is a very good name.
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I really like all of the names, though Thisbe is my favorite. It somehow manages to be bristly and sprightly at the same time!I don't care for Nile; however, I really like Niles for a boy.
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Thekla is lovely, although I'm having a hard time seeing it on a real person. Then again, if I ever met one I'd say, "Wow. That's a very usable name." Some parent(s) has to go first I suppose. :-)Thisbe is a GP for me too. But unfortunately I fear it would remind every one else of frisbees. :-(I adore Malcolm. I hope you get to use it. It's so rugged and handsome and everything manly. Love, love, love it. Nile on a woman? I had a cousin named Niall, same pronunciation. So I can't see Nile on a woman, but I can understand the geographic / nature reasoning behind it.

This message was edited 4/15/2013, 2:30 PM

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Malcolm is very handsome and dignified without being stuffy, it has a fun side to it.
Thekla just looks and sounds ugly. A thick heckler tech. Or something.
Thisbe sounds like you got hit in the mouth with a flying Frisbee.
Nile doesn't do a thing for me. Nile, Nile Crocodile.
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lolEspecially your comment about Thisbe, if I had been drinking something it might have shot out of my nose.
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