[Opinions] Ruth
One of my second cousins recently named her daughter this. What do you think of it?
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I like it because it was my mom's name.However, she hated it. She would say with disgust, "Rhymes with tooth."My brother and his wife gave their daughter the mn MaryRuth after both grandmothers. Unfortunately, they smushed the names together and capitalized the "r." Very cheesy.
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One of my fave names and I'm delighted to hear that someone has named their daughter this name.
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I like it enormously and would use it gladly, given enough daughters. Delighted to see it moving back into use.
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I like it a lot.
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For years Ruth just reminded me of a dog barking. But its rustic, earthy quality is starting to appeal. And the nn Ruthie is adorable. I've got two stock combos for her, as a fn: Ruth Hendrika and Ruth Shenandoah.

This message was edited 7/5/2013, 11:21 AM

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It's a good name. Strong and solid, will wear well.
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It's ok, but no particular favourite of mine.
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Adore Ruth. This was my grandmothers name and my nieces middle name. My good friend has a little sister named Ruth and they call her Ruthie which I think is so sweet.
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It reminds me of my highschool English teacher. Lots of Dutch kids trying to say 'Ruth' and making dog noises...
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Ugly ugly ugly sound. Ruth. Rooth. Dog with a lisp barking.
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I couldn't agree more and believe me, I've wanted to like this very classic name. Alas, Ruth is very harsh sounding.
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