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[Opinions] Kite for a boy?
We are thinking of the name Kite,(like the bird) if our baby is a boy... I'm due in 3 weeks!My husband loves birds of prey.
I'm a nature lover.
They are quite rare where we live yet we had one fly over our wedding reception, and again the week we found out we were pregnant!!
We are country people and live in the Cotswolds.We both love the name... but there is a tiny part in both of us that says "Can we really call a child that??"Please let us know your thoughts....From a Mum and Dad to be :)
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I like the idea and have thought about it on a girl but it does make me think of the word "kike"How about Kestrel or Peregrine instead? I love those two for boys. Or if you're even more daring, Osprey nn "Oz" would be neato
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Maybe as a middle name...
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I actually don't mind it..Its kinda sweet...
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Yeah, you really can call a child that ... if you really can.Picture yourself barking it sternly in a busy market, when the boy is running away from you or about to knock over glass bottles. "KITE! Hands off!" I mean, it is a little droll. But it will fly, if you'll pardon the pun. I mean, if a person grows up with a name it becomes his name, and that's that. So if you really would enjoy going through life called Kite yourself, and you can't think of anything else that even comes close to its appeal for you, then there's no reason you can't.I personally don't really like it, but it's not so far off from Kyle and Kit.

This message was edited 8/21/2013, 9:09 PM

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Do you like Peregrine? Also a bird of prey. Or Falcon. Though I know what a kite (the bird) is, the first image is the thing on a string that you fly.
I wouldn't want to be called Kite. Anyway, wishing you good health and a safe delivery!
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Sorry, but a bird is not what people are going to think of when you say your child's name is Kite.
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Yes! I really like it, especially with the background story. I think of toys before I think of birds, though - I like both associations so I don't mind at all, but you should probably think it through; do you mind the toy association? Especially since I saw that not everyone below knew there even were birds called kites (well, I didn't quite either, but English isn't my first language - I immediately knew what they were when I checked a dictionary).
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Does he get stuck in trees a lot? I think it's a completely ridiculous choice, of course you can name your baby Kite assuming there are no naming laws where you live but I think it's silly. I've never heard of a Kite bird, but I've heard of the children's toy, and that's probably what most people who aren't familiar with birds are going to think. As per Wikipedia it looks like kites are fairly similar to hawks, I'd not normally be down for Hawk as a name, but it's a lot less ridiculous than Kite.
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Ha! Yeah, you know it's a bad baby name when you are actually recommending Hawk as a more reasonable alternative ;-)
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I think it's too close to kike. Not good.
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What about using it as a middle name instead? It does sound silly as a first name. I just think of flying toy kites. It would be fine as a middle though if it has significance to you and you really want to use it.
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No I don't see it working. Maybe as a middle name, but definitely not a first.
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I like it! It's cute and I like it more than more obvious choices like Hawk, and I like the significance of it for you.
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I approve.
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No...For three reasons:1. It sounds silly, and not in a delightful way2. It reminds me of U2's song "Kite", which is one of the saddest songs ever recorded, AND3. It almost sounds like "kike", and...that ain't good.So, yeah, those are the reasons I say "nay".
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AgreedI wondered if anyone would mention 3. Because, omg NO. And oh number 2. It's true. SO sad. Did you see the Live from Slane performance? sniffles.Plus.
4. High as a kite ? No. Eta- 5. There is a high likelihood at some point, someone will think his name is Kate.

This message was edited 8/21/2013, 9:47 PM

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go fly a kite...I don't know about where you live, but in the US, I don't think there are any birds called kites. At least, I've never heard anybody talk about them.Frankly, Kite as a name is dumb. And so would be Hawk or Falcon or Eagle or Shrike, or, God help us all, Vulture.
It also seems lame and try-hard to point out that a kite flew over you at your reception and again when you found out you were pregnant. Please. Is this the sequel to "The Birds?"
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There are several types of kites in the United States. My brother knows a lot about birds and he's talked about them. agree that Kite as a name is really dumb.
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Come flyWas the first thing that came to my mind. Though I like the storyHow about Hawk?
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