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[Opinions] Lydia?
We're leaning towards Lydia for our daughter... What are your thoughts? Big brother is Jasper. Our other choices were Anna and Eleanor, would either of those be better? Please let me know what you think.
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Lydia is gorgeous! It goes great with Jasper. :) I don't know if you want middle name suggestions, but here's a few:
Lydia Charlotte (This is on my own list)
Lydia Joy
Lydia June
Lydia Grace
Lydia Claire
Lydia Estelle
Lydia Madeline
Lydia Katherine
Lydia Vivian
Lydia Marie
Lydia Hope
Lydia Scarlett
Lydia Juliette
Lydia Danielle
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i like Lydia Claire -
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It's one of my unofficial middle names (long story)and I like it. It goes well with Jasper. I like Eleanor too, Anna's nice but boring.
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Lydia is definitely my choice of the three. A very pretty name and it works nicely with Jasper.
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I love the name Lydia. It has a classical, Victorian feel without being stuffy. I would use it. Lydia Eleanor sounds good, if you're looking for a combo.
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I remember you posting before, and you chose the name I wanted! I think Lydia and Jasper are a perfect sibset, and I love Lydia individually.
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Lydia is OK. Anna is boring. What about middle names for Lydia? Do you want some names?
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Sure! We'd love suggestions!
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I really like Lydia and always have. My friend has a 3 year old named Lydia and I'm glad it is making somewhat of a comeback. It goes really well with Jasper. Anna and Eleanor go well with Jasper, also. I like Lydia the best, however.
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Lydia is wonderful. Please use it.Anna = OK but boring.
Eleanor = Tolerable but has a snooty vibe.
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I prefer Anna, it's simple, international and very pretty :) It's also more classic than the other two. I also really like Eleanor but I think Anna goes better with Jasper.I've never liked Lydia. It reminds me of lids and lipids and like RoxStar said, it has kind of a sneaky feel to it.
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I prefer Anna. Both as a name in general and as a sister to Jasper.
Lydia would be my last pick if I am honest, I know quite a few and while one is a very cute little girl, the others that I know are all in-you-face, loud and a handful. I know for some Lydia is a old classic but where I am it's quite popular and so I've never seen it that way.
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LOVE Lydia. I also love Anna. Eleanor is the only that is nms. Lydia Eleanor would make a pretty combo though. :)
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Hah, I like all of those names together so clearly you should have 3 daughters. :P
Warning: explanations of my opinions may make no senseJasper & Lydia: Elegant, beautiful, graceful, mature. These names together make me think of cool colors, water, gemstones, shiny cool metal, etc. I think Lydia fits the tone of Jasper best out of these, but they all fit with Jasper very well.Jasper & Eleanor: Elegant, old-sounding, wise. Eleanor adds in a sepia-tone photograph quality. Still very regal. Lydia is regal too, but Eleanor is even more so. Nickname-wise, Elen / Ellen would work. Ellie would be too 'cute' and kind of lose the entire point of Eleanor. Nora is okay, but a little too humble and earthy for Jasper in my opinion. Jasper & Anna: Pretty, graceful in a subtle way, sounds younger than the other possible sets. Not as cool, but also less "misplaced" in a modern time. (I don't mean misplaced in a bad way, btw. I like many names that sound more suited to a past time. All of these names are suited to this time period, but Anna is more timeless/current and therefore has less oldness to it.) If it were Jasper with 3 sisters, Lydia and Eleanor could go in any order but Anna would have to be the youngest. Anna is one of those "young" names to me. I wouldn't really want to name a kid Anna unless I knew I wasn't having any more kids, because it just screams "youngest" to me.
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I say go for Lydia, that is my favourite, though the other two are great so you can't go wrong
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I love Lydia Charlotte! But would that be considered too trendy?
I also like Lydia Clara, Lydia Helen, and Lydia Pearl. My name is Violet, so I'm not sure if I would be able to use that as a middle name. What do you think?
It seems like a lot of you guys like Eleanor. I'm really torn- I can't decide between the two! I like Anna but I think I'll have to eliminate it as a lot of people seem to be tired of it. What about Eleanor Anna?
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Lydia - I like itI think Lydia goes well with Jasper, better than Anna or Eleanor. What about naming her Lydia Anne or Lydia Eleanor? Those sound lovely.
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My middle name is Anne and I kind of consider it a filler, but Lydia Eleanor is lovely!
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Anne is my middle name too. I guess it is often seen as a filler name, but my mom gave it to me because it's also her middle name, and so it was her way of naming me after her in some way. So I don't consider it filler myself. If you went with it, I'm sure your daughter would feel that way too. :)
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Yeah, it was a family name for me too. It's my great-grandmother's name, and my mother also wanted to give me a more typical middle name because when I was born my first name was very rare. I think it would sound good with Eleanor, but we still have no idea which name to chose!
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Lydia is...boring. To me, anyway. I don't even know why. It also sounds like a '60s or '70s name to me, but that's not rooted in any logic either. I much prefer Eleanor. I find Anna even more boring than Lydia.
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I don't mind Lydia, but I do prefer Eleanor. Anna is very plain and boring, but I do like longer versions of this name.
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I truly and deeply dislike the name Lydia. It is just devoid of charm for me. It sounds sneaky and sniggering and dishonest, even though I've never met a Lydia. I just picture a bucktoothed maid swiping jewelry and small change in some dark Victorian house, sleeping around and getting pregnant and deliberately blaming the wrong man. She wouldn't be above poisoning the food to make everybody sick and then try to gain favor by "curing" them.Anna is much much better.
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