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I've loved Bernice for a while now :) It use to be in my top 5 actually. I like the meaning and the idea of using Bennie as a NN. It does have a dusty antique vibe to it so I think it would benefit from a "fresher" MN. Of your list I like these best...Bernice Amity
Bernice Audrey
Bernice Ella
Bernice Emeline
Bernice Olivia
Bernice Rachel
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Bernice Eleanor really jumped out at me!I knew a Bernice at school who was pretty much a nonentity; I had to play with her because my mother was sorry for her mother! But she turned out OK in adult life. And there was a very good ballet dancer locally a few years ago who was a Burnice! She certainly had grace and charm, also poise.
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I'll admit I could not see any charm in this name at all for a very long time. It seemed so cold and nasal. The strengths it did have - its intelligence and conviction- I saw as negative. But then I saw a video of an adorable calico cat called "Sweet Bernice" and it totally changed the feeling of the name for me. It became quirky and warm. So then I named a plant Bernice - I think it suits her.I enjoy these combos of yours:Bernice Adeline
Bernice Angela
Bernice Chloe!
Bernice Emily
Bernice Genevieve
Bernice MadeleineAlso I thought of:Bernice Amanda
Bernice Phoebe
Bernice Amy
Bernice Eloise
Bernice Julianne
Bernice Juliet
Bernice Mirabelle
Bernice Marybeth
Bernice Annabeth
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Sorry, I don't really see it. I kind of get a glimpse of something when you pair it with a vintage-sounding name like Daisy like you did above- I picture a woman in the 1960s in the southern US, very genteel. Otherwise, I don't think it would work very well in modern times.
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I sure don't see the least amount of charm in Bernice. Burn, niece. Burr niece. Ugly ugly ugly.
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