[Opinions] Guido or Guy
in honour of Bonfire Night what do you prefer? or November on a girl
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Guy!I love the name Guy (both English and French pronunciation). I also quite like November for a boy but it's strictly GP. I'm not very fond of November for a girl because I really dislike the nickname Ember.
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Guy- it's my uncle and great uncle's name. I guess I could see November on a girl, nn Nova.
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Guy, just because I know a few men so named. November for a girl? I don't much like it, it's not "name-y" enough. And, where I live,November is kind of a poor month. Chilly and dark. No sun, no moon, no morn, no noon-November.
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Guy! It's not really used anymore, but it reminds me of a super hot friend I have. :3
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Of the three, November. Between the boy options, Guy.
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Guy, it's also my middle name.
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Definitely Guy. Guido sounds silly with the Italian pronunciation. Around here everyone would want to say "guy-do", which is also silly.If you're honouring Guy Fawkes, it should be Guy, not Guido... because he wasn't called Guido Fawkes.
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GuyI quite like Guy, though it's still a little odd as a name as well.
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Guy. Guido is a total joke to me. Thanks, Jersey Shore. November is amazing. I like the nn Ember. I am also a fan of October, nn Toby. Super cute.
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Guido. But I hate them both.
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I really like Guy, & Guido is cute. November is nms but it would be fun to see.
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