[Opinions] Dove
What are your opinions on Dove for a girl? I like it but dint think I would use it as a fn. perfect for a mn.
What are some combos with Dove as a first name and with it as a mn?
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I knew an Ann Dove. I thought it was just so pretty, that combination of simple Ann and rarely-heard Dove. I still love it.
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Dove is actually a surname in my family tree believe it or not. Um I wouldn't use Dove as a fn. As a mn I really like it. Dovie is a cute nickname.Paloma is such a great name and means dove I believe.
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Sometimes I toy with this name too, when I get into a sort of "adorable country bumpkin" phase. I really like it.I actually like it better out front, otherwise it starts to take on a flaky, new-agey sort of feeling. But it does fit so nicely in the middle sometimes.Dove Annabelle is my stock combo for it, but let me think of some moreDove Abilene
Susannah Dove
Dove Judith
Naomi Dove?
Stella Dove
Caoimhe Dove
Dove Clementine
Ruthie Dove, Ruth Dove
Gwendolen Dove
Ramona Dove
Dove Margaret, Margery Dove
Dove Madeleine
Sophie Dove
Dove Thamar
Sharon Dove
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As a middle name it may be nice. I think if the Dove brand too much to use it as a FN. I have met someone named Dovie and somehow that didn't remind me of the brand. Don't know. I guess it's really up to you. I would rather see Dove than alot of the names people give thier children!
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I love doves, but the name Dove only makes me think of a stupid old TV ad: "This is no ordinary soap...this is DOVE...Dove contains moisturising, blah blah blah..."I remember it because my class that year went camping in a little island in the Baltic sea and the only boat to the island was so tiny it could only take 15 students for each trip (and there were 30 of us). The boat was called Dover, and we had all seen the TV ad (I think TV ads were pretty new in Sweden then) and made up some crazy ad: "This is no ordinary boat...this is DOVER...Dover is made up from 100% styrofoam..." ;)I think Jemima or Paloma would be a better choice.

This message was edited 12/28/2013, 1:09 PM

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It's just such a...bird. Like, I can't not think about the bird. I'll admit that it has sort of pretty sound, but I can't get past this...
 photo 82d455ae-0e19-44c7-bc71-39c94b175bcc.jpg
This might have something to do with the fact that I'm scared of birds though. The name is different, and sort of cool and hippie-ish in its own way I suppose.
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I like Dove. I use to feel like it was only MN material but now I think it's work fine as a FN. It's quirky but simple and not to unusual. The only combo I haveit "stocked" in is Michelangela DoveWilhelmina Dove
Jessenia Dove
Philippa Dove
Susannah Dove
Rosalie Dove
Louisa Dove
Natalie Dove
Veronica Dove
Catriona Dove
Marley DoveDove Annalise
Dove Lillian
Dove Morrigan
Dove Simona
Dove Apolline
Dove Hosanna
Dove Rubina
Dove Abigail
Dove Emmeline
Dove Alyssa

This message was edited 12/28/2013, 11:29 AM

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Middle name, yeah. It makes a refreshing middle name and I like the symbolism. As a first name it's bad - an endearment name like Lovey or Precious or Lamb.I think since it's one syllable it'd be extremely easy to combine with other names. Almost every name I can think of goes with it fine.
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This is what it sounds like when doves cry...That's ALL I can think of when I hear this name.Aside from that, I think it's silly; I can't imagine calling, "DOVE!!" in a crowded supermarket. Sorry.
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it strikes me as too sentimental and sappy to be used as a name at all. Doves are nice birds, but after all, they are just pigeons with very good PR. lol
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We have them in our back yard, and true, I do like them better than pigeons. A hawk got one of them last week,nothing left but a pile of feathers.
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I'd rather have Paloma or Columbine! Dove is too soapy and underarm deodoranty.
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I don't think Columbine is usable in the States at all
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Fine where I live, though!
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I don't really like it, it's a bit hippy-dippy and childish. Also it has no hard sounds so it's rther insubstantial.
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Agnes Dove
Nina Dove
Ines Dove
Silvia Dove
Susanna DoveDove Paulina
Dove Marina
Dove Iris
Dove Avis
Dove Rosabel
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In my language Dove means "deaf person", so it sounds a bit weird to me. Apart from that, I think it's ok as a mn.
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I know there are names that are also birds but I think Dove should remain only a bird name. It could be gotten away with as a middle name but I would not use it as a first name.Aderyn Dove
Avis Dove
Columba Dove
Jemima Dove
Paloma Dove
Zipporah Dove
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I really like Dove, and I do think it works better as a middle name. Doveva is what I would use as full name, nickname Dove, or Dovey.Dove Llewella/Louella
Dove Georgina
Dove Theodora
Dove Anneliese
Dove Floralba
Dove Elise
Dove FeodoraDesdemona Dove
Harriet Dove
Millicent Dove
Veronica Dove
Hadley Dove
Portia Dove
Chloe Dove
Helena Dove
Katherine Dove
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