[Opinions] Gigi
I think I really like the name Gigi. As a nickname. Previously I've found it too cutesy, but now I reckon it could work on a lot of ages and different types of people. What are your thoughts on it?Also, what do you think Gigi could/should be short for? My first thought is Ginnifer, which I think is a cool name but not something I'd actually use. Would a name like Greta or Gwendolyn with a hard G work with Gigi as a nickname?
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I think Gigi is great and personally I can see it working well on an adult too. I don't like Ginnifer at all, but Gwendolyn and Greta could work. Virginia is also an option. I actually quite like it as a full name too.
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We call my sister Geneva & Gigi interchangeably. The nn seems so normal to me now that it's hard to step outside and think about it objectively. Her middle name is Grace, so G.G. are her initials. I don't think she would like it if we called her Gigi exclusively. "Geneva" is more mature and she introduced herself as such. But it is fun to have a special pet name among family & close friends. I could see Gigi being used for a long, hard G name, but something like Greta (which is already 2 syllables and a nickname for something else) would make even less sense.
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I think Gigi is kind of cool. I think it's a stretch to use it as NN for a name with a hard G, but not outlandish. People would get it.
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I rank Gigi up there with Mimi, Kiki, Boo-Boo, and Nay-Nay. Babyish, tacky, and silly, even as a nickname.
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I think it could work as a nickname for any name that begins with a G.
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We had a bird named Gigi when I was growing up. She lived for a very long time (my whole childhood and into college). So, I will always think of her. As a nickname, it works. A lot of people around here use Gigi to mean Grandma. Kind of like Nanna or Granny or Mimi or Nona elsewhere. It works with Ginnifer, but Ginnifer is not really my style/taste, so I reccommend the following:
Georgia or Georgiana or Georgina
Bridget or Birgitte
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I just don't care for Gigi. It'll always make me think of an over pampered poodle. Other than what's already been mentioned for full names, I do know a Giovanna who goes by Gigi
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I'm not that big of a fan, it's a little too sweet for me but it's nice as a nickname. I think it could work for any name that starts with G. Georgia
GiselleVirginia (maybe?)
Eugenie (maybe?)
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I knew a Gigi short for Georgina. I think that works because of the two 'g' sounds in the name.
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