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[Opinions] Ella Bow - Elbow... (nt)
"How wonderful it is that no one need wait a single moment before starting to improve upon the world." -Ann Frank
Mama to my "bright star" Clarisse Bituin and Wife to Julius. Mahal na mahal from our little family to yours!
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An even closer combo to 'elbow' would be Elle Bow.
Still, I don't think middle names are important for people meeting up with a girl with a name like Ella or Elle Bow for the first time.
That being said, there would be a time when you will start being called Elbow e.g. weddings where your name is announced as Elle Bow Whaddahellyouat. Some people would giggle at you. Ella Bow would be less likely to be called Elbow but it's still likely.
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I personally think it would be funny. My brother is named Edward, but his initials spell EAR... so we always teased him by calling him EARward. We were not very creative.
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